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ASU choirs present annual Madrigal Feaste Dec. 3-5 at Fowler Center

Nov. 17, 2009 -- In the style of Merrie Olde England, with costumes, decorations, comedy, and fanfare, the Arkansas State University Choirs will present the eleventh Madrigal Feaste on Thursday, Dec. 3, Friday, Dec. 4, and Saturday, Dec. 5, at 6:30 p.m. in the Grand Hall of ASU’s Fowler Center. The Concert Choir and Chamber Singers, led by Dr. Dale Miller, director of choral activities, and new choral music education professor, Kyle Chandler, will host the evening’s entertainment and serve as the court of King Henry the Eighth of England, Jonesboro, and Craighead County.

The courtiers of the Madrigal Feaste await the pleasure of their audience.

Guests will enjoy the Wassail Bowl beginning at 6:15 p.m. and seating will begin with the first fanfare at 6:30 p.m. Tickets for Thursday and Saturday’s performances will be available through Monday, November 30, at the ASU Central Box Office, 972-ASU1 or toll-free at 888-ASU-FANS.

Friday evening’s performance is hosted by the ASU Faculty Women’s Club, and tickets may be obtained by contacting Sandra Seay at 972-3037. Thursday and Saturday seats are reserved and are limited by space available. Ticket prices are $35 for the general public, and $30 for ASU faculty, staff, and students, as well as senior citizens. Proceeds will benefit the ASU Concert Choir’s concert tour to Italy in March 2010.

The music of the feaste will include traditional carols by the servers and audience, brass fanfares and harpsichord solos, as well as madrigals and chansons by the royal court. The menu for the royal feaste will include Hamme, Ryce and Veggetable Medley, Sugar-kissed yams, Greene Salat, and rolls. A flaming pudding will be served with the royal fanfare.

The lords and ladies of the Royal Court, played by the members of the Chamber Singers, are as follows: Becky Morrison and Kari Rickman of Jonesboro, Angela Jackson of Naylor, Mo.,  and Katie Fischer of Jacksonville, sopranos; Susan Hulett of Mountain Home, Katherine Richards of Osceola, and Crystal Haralson of Paragould, mezzo-sopranos; Jeremy Carter of Paragould, Nick Robbins of Manila, and Christopher Orr of Jonesboro, tenors, and Kale McDaniel and Brandon Stroud of Jonesboro, Drew Warren of Manila, and Ray Fromme of Highland, Ill., basses.

Patrick Manes of Bryant will play King Henry the Eighth, Renee Smith of Houston, Texas, will play the part of Queen Anne Boleyn, Willie Sullivan will serve as the Steward, and John Yerger will be the Jester. Sullivan and Yerger are both of Jonesboro. The knaves and wenches will be played by the remaining members of the ASU Concert Choir. Brian Henkelmann, music department staff accompanist, will play harpsichord, Jay Shepherd of Paragould will play classical guitar, and the student brass ensemble will also play.

For more information about the Madrigal Feaste or ASU music, contact the music office at (870) 972-2094.

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