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Diversity Excellence Awards presented during 30th
annual convocation week
April 10, 2008 --
Arkansas State University's annual Diversity Exc ellence
Awards luncheon recognized several individuals for their contributions
toward strategic diversity initiatives at ASU-Jonesboro. Dr. Jeanine
Weekes Schroer, Philosophy, was the recipient of the 2008 Campus
Excellence Award.
The Friends of Diversity awards were presented to Dr. Janelle Collins,
English, Dr. Susan Hanrahan, dean, College of Nursing and Health
Professions, Jerrod O. Lockhart, assistant dean, Student Affairs,
Lori Roach, director, Human Resources, and Professor William
Rowe, Art.
Entertainment at the luncheon was provided by members of the United
Voices Gospel Choir and members of the ASU Jazz Ensemble, directed by
Dr. E. Ron Horton.
Dr. Lonnie Williams, associate vice chancellor, Student Affairs,
delivered the invocation, Dr. Robert L. Potts, chancellor, ASU-Jonesboro,
gave the welcome, Dr. Lillie Fears, Diversity Fellow, Journalism,
served as mistress of ceremonies, and Dr. Glen Jones, senior
associate vice chancellor, Academic Affairs and Research, and assistant
to the Chancellor for Diversity, presented the keynote address and
closing remarks.
