12th Annual United Way Day of Caring Friday, September 16th, 2005 If you participated in Day of Caring in the past, you know what a terrific experience it is for everyone. If you haven't been able to take part, make plans now. Arkansas State University will be participating again in the United Way Day of Caring and we need you!! Mark your calendars for Friday, Sept. 16, and make a difference in YOUR community! You can chose what type of project you would prefer doing, whether it is outdoors, indoors, physical labor (gardening, painting, repairing etc.) or office work.
To volunteer for this year's Day of Caring, please complete the online form below, or you may phone M.A. Wheeler in University Relations at 972-2940. You will have three choices for work times, 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., 12:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. or all day if you are available. Don't forget to provide us with the type of work you would like to do, the shift you can work and your t-shirt size. (T-shirts and work assignments will be available in the afternoon on Thursday, September 15th.) **The last day to sign up for the ASU team is Wednesday, September 7th, so don't delay!Remember that
you do make a difference when you do "What Matters!" |