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ASU prepares to celebrate 2010
Convocation of Scholars Week
April 6, 2010
The 32nd annual Convocation of Scholars Week activities at
Arkansas State University-Jonesboro, which highlight the university's
academic achievements, include a series of special events and awards
ceremonies. Activities this year run from Monday, April 12 through
Tuesday, April 27. Events include the Student Honors Awards, culminating
with the presentation of the Wilson Award, ASU's highest student honor;
the Faculty Honors Convocation announcing retiring faculty and award
winners; the Strong-Turner Alumni Chapter's achievement ceremony, and
events sponsored by the various colleges at ASU-Jonesboro.

As part of the ongoing Centennial Celebration,
ASU is launching a
new student tradition with the burial of a time capsule from the
Centennial Graduating Class of 2009. The burial takes place Monday,
April 12, at 2 p.m. at the Arch in the Historic Quadrangle. Each year,
members of the graduating class will select items symbolic of their time
on campus for placement in a sealed time capsule. The time capsule,
inscribed with the appropriate class year, will be buried in one of 25
concrete benches surrounding the Historic Arch in the center of campus.
Convocation of Scholars Week kicks off on Monday, April 12, with the
Student Honors Awards, including the R. E. Lee Wilson Award and
Distinguished Service Awards, which will be announced at the ceremony in
Student Union Auditorium beginning at 3 p.m.
The Wilson Award is presented annually to the university's outstanding
graduating senior, with the recipient selected on the basis of
character, determination, involvement and academic achievement.
The honor is conferred in memory of R. E. Lee Wilson, a member of the
Arkansas State University Board of Trustees from 1917 until his death in
1933. Presentation of the Wilson Award began in 1934. Perry Wilson, an
attorney from Little Rock, will be present at the event to bestow the
Because many students are noteworthy for their involvement and service,
the university also presents several Distinguished Service Awards, with
the Wilson Award winner chosen by the selection committee from those
they named Distinguished Service Award recipients. The selection
committee consists of ASU faculty, staff members, students and former
Wilson Award winners.
Previous Wilson Award recipients formed a Wilson Fellows Chapter of the
ASU Alumni Association, and created a scholarship program for future
recipients. The Wilson Award winner will receive a scholarship from the
chapter to be used for post-graduate education. For more information on
this event, contact Jill Bristow at or (870) 972-2220.
At 6 p.m. on Monday, April 12, the College of Business Honors Banquet
will be held in Centennial Hall in the ASU Student Union. Tickets are
$15. For more information, contact Julie Wyatt at or (870)
On Tuesday, April 13, the Faculty Honors Convocation will be held in the
Student Union's Centennial Hall at 2 p.m.
This event includes recognition of retiring faculty as well as
presentation of the Outstanding Academic Advising Award and presentation
of the Faculty Achievement Awards in the areas of teaching, professional
service, and scholarship. For more information, contact Peggy Pietz at or (870)
At 6 p.m. on Tuesday, April 13, the College of Humanities and Social
Sciences Convocation of Scholars will take place in Centennial Hall at
the Student Union. Tickets are $12. For more information, contact
Rachelle Tadlock at or (870) 972-3973.
On Wednesday, April 14, the Diversity Excellence Awards luncheon will be
held in the Grand Hall of Fowler Center at noon. The event is by
invitation. For more information, contact Kyla Dollar at or
Also on Wednesday, April 14, the College of Communications Honors
Banquet will be held in Centennial Hall in the Student Union at 6:30
p.m. Guest speaker is Gene Foreman, a 1956 ASU graduate who is former
editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer and Penn State faculty
member. Tickets are $20. For more information, contact Terri Rolland at (870)
At 6:30 p.m. on April 14, the College of Engineering Student Awards and
Seminar Program will be held at the ASU Convocation Center in Hames
Rooms B and C. Guest speaker will be Ian Toohey, president, South
Central Region of Engineers Without Borders-USA. For more information,
contact Rick Clifft at or (870) 972-2088.
On Thursday, April 15, the College of Science and Mathematics Honors
Banquet will take place in the Hames Room at the Convocation Center
beginning at 6 p.m. Tickets are $12. For more information, contact
Jennifer Clack at
or (870) 972-3079.
At 6:30 p.m. on April 15, the College of Agriculture and Technology
Honors Banquet will be held in Centennial Hall at the Student Union. For
more information, contact Lori Fenner at or (870)
The ASU Music Student Honors Recital begins at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April
15, in the Riceland Hall at Fowler Center. For additional information,
contact Renee O’Connor at or (870) 972-2094. The Bradbury Gallery in Fowler
Center is the site of the Spring ASU Senior Exhibition, Part II, which
opens at 5 p.m. Contact Les Christensen for further information at or
(870) 972-2567.
On Friday, April 16, the College of Fine Arts Honors Luncheon will be
held at noon in the Grand Hall of ASU's Fowler Center. Guest Speaker
will be David Carson Berry, who received a Bachelor of Music degree from
ASU in 1990. Tickets are $12. For more information, contact Renee
O’Connor at or
(870) 972-3053.
At 7 p.m. on Friday, April 16, the Strong-Turner Alumni Chapter of the
ASU Alumni Association recognizes its 3.0 Club honorees, Freshman
Scholar, and Achievement Ceremony The event, which is by invitation,
will be in the ASU Student Union Auditorium. The Strong-Turner Alumni
Chapter focuses on African-American alumni and friends of the
university. For more information, contact Jerrod Lockhart at or Kimberly
Johnson at or
call 870-972-4058.
The ASU Theatre presents, “The Foreigner,” Friday and Saturday,
April 16-17, and Tuesday-Wednesday, April 20-21, at 7:30 p.m.
in Fowler Center Theater. Contact O’Connor for more details.
On Monday, April 19, the College of Nursing and Health Professions
Honors Banquet will be held in Centennial Hall in the Student Union at 6
p.m. Tickets are $10. For more information, contact Penny Head at
or (870) 972-3112.
Tuesday, April 20,
is the date for the University College Honors Reception. The event
starts at 2 p.m. and is being held in the University College, Eugene
Smith Lobby. For more information, contact Jill Simons at or (870)
Earth Day is scheduled April 22 at Tailgate City at ASU Football Stadium
and near the Pavilion. The university is collaborating with the city of
Jonesboro and numerous businesses, industries and organizations will
have booths to highlight conservation and environmental initiatives.
ASU will also have
another tree planting opportunity to celebrate this event along
University Loop East on the east side of the street (just south of Aggie
and University Loop East). Trees will be a deciduous mixture combined
with a few flowering focal trees and are available for a $150 donation.
This donation includes the tree, planting and mulch, and recognition on
the Earth Day plaque that will be constructed at the site. For more
information, contact Dr. Jennifer Bouldin at (870) 972-2570 or
The First 100 Distinguished Staff Members in ASU’s history will be
announced and honored at a reception Tuesday, April 27, at 1:30 p.m. in
Centennial Hall in the Student Union. At the same time, 2010 retirees
will be recognized along with Distinguished Performance Award winners.
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