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Jessica Hicks (left) of Camden received the
R. E. Lee Wilson Award and the Distinguished Service Award at the annual
Student Honors Awards Ceremony. Other recipients of the
Distinguished Service Award were (from left) Samantha Mitchell of
Pocahontas, Amanda Payne of Cabot, Tabitha Christian of Huntsville, Mark
Wiggins of Jonesboro, and (not pictured) Tiffany Frazier of Pine Bluff.
Wilson Award, Distinguished Service
Awards presented at Honors ceremony
9, 2007 --
Jessica Hicks of Camden, a senior at Arkansas State
University in Jonesboro, was named on Monday, April 9, the recipient of
the R.E. Lee Wilson Award for 2006-2007 at the 74th annual Student
Honors Awards Ceremony in the Student Union Auditorium.
The Wilson Award, ASU’s most prestigious student award, is presented
annually to the most outstanding recent graduate or graduating senior.
Selection from among the nominees is based upon character,
determination, involvement and academic achievement.
Hicks will graduate in May with a bachelor’s degree in accounting with a
leadership minor from the College of Business. She has served on the
Student Activities Board, participated in Alpha Gamma Delta fraternity,
and has served as Greek Life Editor of the ASU Indian Yearbook for three
years. She also played a key role in numerous student organizations,
excelling in every aspect of her college career.
The Wilson Award is presented at the annual Student Honors Ceremony
during Convocation of Scholars, and is the highlight of the annual
event. The award is named in honor of R.E. Lee Wilson, a member of the
institution’s Board of Trustees from 1917 to 1933.

Jessica Hicks (left) accepts the R. E. Lee Wilson Award from
Diana Wilson Gray, great-granddaughter of the man for whom the
award is named.
Wilson was dedicated to ASU’s development in the early days, and his
family has presented the award each year. Diana Gray of Salem, the
great-granddaughter of R. E. Lee Wilson, presented this year’s award,
the 121th since the first award was given in 1934. Ms. Gray
previously served on the ASU Foundation Board and is also an alumna of
Gray read quotes from the letters of nomination while introducing
Hicks as the Wilson Award winner. Writers described her by stating,
“She is an exemplary leader, a very committed and self-motivated
apprentice, and a young woman of the highest moral standards…who always
strives to lead an honorable life. She is a person of strong character
who has excelled academically while balancing
extracurricular leadership positions, involvement in student
organizations, and community service projects…She has made lasting
connections with faculty, staff, and her peers. She is an excellent
representative of this university.”
Hicks also was named one of six recipients of the
Distinguished Service Award.
Other DSA winners were Tabitha Christian, Tiffany Frazier, Samantha
Mitchell, Amanda Payne, and Lewis Mark Wiggins.
ASU Chancellor Dr. Robert L. Potts presented the DSA awards, which are
based on scholarship, contributions to student life, and involvement in
university activities.
All of the Distinguished Service Award winners have numerous
achievements in leadership roles, campus activities and academics. Here
are some highlights about each award recipient:
Jessica Hicks
of Camden
Hicks will
graduate in May with a bachelor’s degree in accounting with a leadership
minor. Hicks has served as public relations director of the Student
Activities Board and in numerous positions within Alpha Gamma Delta
fraternity. She has been Greek Life Editor of the ASU Indian Yearbook
for three years, working 10-15 hours per week in the yearbook office.
She served as president of the Future Alumni Network in 2005 and has
been a member of that organization for four years. Jessica has also
served as an ASU Tribal Leader and was selected to ASU’s Homecoming
Court. A member of Alpha Lambda Delta Honors Society and Phi Kappa Phi
Honors Society, she maintained the ASU Academic Distinction Scholarship
for four years, and was named to the Dean’s List, the President’s List,
Who’s Who Among College Students, and the National Society of Collegiate
Jessica Hicks is the daughter of Joe and Diane Hicks of Camden. Her
advisor is Dr. John Robertson.
Christian of Huntsville
will graduate at the May 2007 Commencement after completing a bachelor’s
degree in journalism with an emphasis in advertising. She was the
recipient of a four-year athletic scholarship at ASU and was a USAA
Collegiate All-American Scholar, winner of the NCAA Commissioner’s Award
and an NCAA Honors Student. She was named to the Dean’s List for seven
consecutive semesters and the Athletic Director Honor Roll for four
years. She was also selected for an account executive internship at
Saatchi and SaatchiX. Christian has served as president and vice
president of the ASU Advertising Federation, president of the ASU
Undergraduate Student Research Association, and vice president of the
Student Athlete Advisory Committee. She was a Lady Indian center/forward
and team co-captain, a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes,
and a member of Kappa Tau Alpha, a national journalism honor society.
Tabitha Christian is the daughter of Thomas and
Alison Christian of Fayetteville and Glenda and Steven Davis of Wesley.
Her advisor is Dr. Joel T. Gambill.
Frazier of Pine Bluff
Frazier will
graduate in May with a bachelor’s degree in biology. She currently
serves as outgoing president of the Student Government Association, and
she served as SGA vice president last year. She is also outgoing
president of the NAACP Student Chapter. A McNair Scholar in 2004-2006,
she conducted research under the mentorship of Dr. Jeannette Loutsch and
Dr. David Gilmore. The former public relations director of Alpha Kappa
Alpha sorority, Tiffany was chosen as National Panhellenic Woman of the
Year for 2006. She was ASU’s 2005 Homecoming Queen. She was a
Strong-Turner Alumni Chapter inductee, a member of Phi Eta Sigma Honor
Society, and a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars.
Tiffany has served on the Student Activities Board for two years, as a
Presidential Ambassador for two years, as an ASU Tribal Leader, and as a
Resident Assistant, mentoring and advising approximately 40 students.
Tiffany Frazier is the daughter of Dassie Frazier of Pine Bluff and the
late Boyd Frazier. Her advisor is Dr. Jeannette Loutsch.
Mitchell of Pocahontas
will graduate with a bachelor’s of arts degree in radio/television
broadcast journalism this May. She is the outgoing station manager of
ASU-TV, the student-run cable channel. A former producer at ASU-TV, she
developed several programs, among them, ASU Livin’ and ASU Trivia
Challenge, an original game show filmed live before a studio audience.
Mitchell is the recipient of the Walter Cronkite National Academy of
Television Arts and Sciences Mid-America Emmy Award scholarship for
2006-2007, the Arkansas Farm Bureau Marvin Vines Scholarship, the Robert
L. Hoskins Memorial Scholarship, the J.D. Rogers Memorial Scholarship,
and the Ted Rand Memorial Scholarship, awarded by the Arkansas
Broadcasters Association and ASU. Samantha’s awards and honors include
membership in Pi Sigma Alpha, the national political science honor
society, Kappa Tau Alpha, the national journalism honor society, Pi
Gamma Mu, a political science honor society, Alpha Lambda Delta Honors
Society, and the National Society of Collegiate Scholars.
Samantha Mitchell is the daughter of Danny and Stella Mitchell of
Pocahontas, and her advisor is Dr. Mary Jackson-Pitts.
Amanda Kay Payne of Cabot
Amanda Kay Payne will graduate with a bachelor’s degree in nursing
this May. She has been active in the Student Government Association, the
Tribal Leadership Staff, and the Student Activities Board, where she
served as president, vice president, and public relations director. She
served on the National Panhellenic Council as executive board treasurer,
she was a Global Student Leader and representative for ASU in China, and
she is a member of Chi Omega fraternity. Amanda is also a member of the
National Student Nurses Association, the Intercollegiate Athletics
Committee, the Student Union Advisory Committee, and Alpha Sigma Lambda,
a national leadership and honors organization. She was a 2003 recipient
of ASU’s President’s Scholarship, was named to the Dean’s List, and was
included in Who’s Who Among America’s Colleges and Universities. She has
been a five-year volunteer with the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, a
three-year volunteer with the Make-A-Wish Foundation, and a two-year
volunteer with the Pediatric Day Clinic.
Amanda Kay Payne is the daughter of Kevin and Linda Payne of Cabot, and
her advisor is Julie Isaacson.
Lewis Mark Wiggins of Jonesboro
Mark Wiggins of Jonesboro will graduate with a degree in
biology and Spanish, magna cum laude, this May. Mark was
awarded and maintained the Academic Distinction Scholarship for four
years. Mark was named to the President’s List for four semesters, and
the Dean’s List. Mark studied abroad in London at Queen Mary, University
of London and at El Centro Panamerico de Idiomas in San Joaquin de
Flores, Costa Rica. He is the recipient of the United States Air Force
Health Professions Scholarship, which will cover his medical school
expenses. He has been accepted into the 2007 Freshman Class at the
University of Arkansas School for Medical Sciences. He has served as an
ASU Presidential Ambassador and was a member of ASU’s 2005 Homecoming
Court. He was chosen as a Study Abroad consultant and as an
Infrastructure Representative for the Department of Languages. He is
also the outgoing president of the Baptist Collegiate Ministry, where he
oversaw and coordinated a leadership team of 30 students. He was also
inducted into Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society.
Mark Wiggins is the son of Wayne and Nonie Wiggins of Jonesboro. His
advisors are Dr. Ronald Johnson and Dr. Robert Baum.
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