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Dr. Lawler-Prince, Dr. Stillwell,
co-author childhood obesity prevention book
Oct. 30, 2008 --
A prevention guide entitled, “Preventing Childhood
Obesity: Helping Preschool Children Become Healthy and Fit,” co-authored
by Arkansas State University
professors Dr. Dianne Lawler-Prince and Dr. Jim L. Stillwell has been
published (copyright 2008 by Southern Early Childhood Association,
Little Rock).
Dr. Lawler-Prince is the chair of the Department of Teacher Education at
ASU and professor of Early Childhood Education, and Dr. Stillwell is
chair of Health, Physical Education, and Sport Sciences and professor of
Physical Education.
“The book is designed for preschool teachers and parents of preschool
children,” said Dr. Lawler-Prince. “It is a practitioner’s guide for
prevention of childhood obesity. There are chapters on physical
activities and fitness, nutrition, serving healthy snacks, and
suggestions for working with parents.”
According to the book, statistics reveal that more than 10 percent of
two-to-five-year-old children in the United States are overweight, a
three-fold increase since 1980. Also, obesity has been identified as the
fastest growing health threat in America with childhood obesity reaching
epidemic proportions.
The book also addresses the health issues and long-term effects of
childhood obesity, as well as the causes of obesity in young children.
Lawler-Prince and Stillwell also
offer suggestions and solutions to teachers (through curriculum) and
parents (through healthy eating and nutrition) on how to halt trends
that place children in a position of being overweight. It also
encourages teachers to work together with families to promote wellness.
Lawler-Prince is a former president of the Southern Early Childhood
Association and has years of experience in working with preschool
teachers. She has previously authored one book, and co-authored a second
book. Stillwell is an accomplished author and has been an invited
speaker on the topic of movement activities for young children in
Canada, China, England, Greece, Israel, Malaysia and Thailand.
To purchase the
book, contact the Southern Early Childhood Association (SECA), a
non-profit organization through the website,
www.SouthernEarlyChildhood.Org or call (501) 221-1648. The cost is