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Alex Brown, R-TV faculty member,
assists Chickasaw tribal media crew
July 18, 2008 --
Alex Brown, an instructor in Radio-Television at Arkansas
State University, recently worked as a field producer for the Chickasaw
Nation Media
Department based in the tribal capital of Ada, Okla. Brown, a tribal
member, was contracted by the tribal government to do research, script
consulting, audio, and videography.
During the month of June, Brown researched and created the itinerary for
a trip by tribal staff to record, historically and archeologically,
significant Chickasaw homeland sites. Recently, Brown accompanied the
crew from Ada to coordinate location videography of sites in Northeast
Mississippi, Tennessee, and Eastern Arkansas.
Locations include Chucalissa Village, Hernando, Miss., the Tombigbee
River in Tennessee, the Natchez Trace, burial mounds in Mississippi, the
Noxubee Refuge, Chickasaw village sites, and the Parkin Archeological
State Park and Museum.
The crew’s video work will serve as an introductory video describing
Chickasaw history and culture for visitors to an extensive heritage and
cultural center currently under construction in Sulphur, Okla.
Brown joined the project after reading an article in the tribal
newsletter, “Chickasaws Today,” which described the Sulphur project and
expressed a desire that the Chickasaw story be frequently told by tribal
