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Abstracts for
ASU-Arkansas Game and Fish Commission seminar
Feb. 11, 2009 --
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and Poster Session Abstracts
S.K. Amelon
and F.R. Thompson. USDA Forest Service,
Northern Research Station, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211
Effective conservation of bat populations requires
understanding the associations between bats and their use of multiple
As with other wildlife, bat
conservation has focused primarily on rare and endangered taxa; however,
because of their role in ecosystem health, abundant species may be the
most ecologically and economically important. Typically, resource use
studies compare used to available resources. Used resources are
commonly defined by the resource attributes at telemetry relocations
while available resources are quantified within a spatially and
temporally defined area considered “available” by the researcher. In
contrast to this approach to resource selection analysis, the
utilization distribution (UD) approach uses a probability density
function that quantifies an individual’s or group’s relative use of
space. It depicts the probability of an animal occurring at each
location within its home range as a function of relocation points.
We radio-tracked 64 lactating L.
borealis for 10 – 21 days to evaluate foraging resource use. We
used resource utilization functions to
provide a continuous measure of use (99%) throughout the area of
interest. Resource selection for this
demographic group was highly variable among individuals, geographic
location, stage of lactation and temperature regime. We found, on
average, foraging use was highest for low canopy cover, deciduous forest
patches on ridges and upland drainages in areas close to non-forest edge
and with relatively high road density.
M.J. Bender*,
S.B. Castleberry, D.A. Miller, and T.B. Wigley.
Daniel B. Warnell School of Forestry and Natural
Resources, University of Georgia, Athens, GA (MJB and SBC); Weyerhaeuser
Company (DAM); National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. (TBW)
Bat activity in managed
pine (Pinus spp.) forests within the Coastal Plain is poorly
understood. Additionally, predator activity is often related to prey
abundance and distribution, thus it is assumed that insectivorous bat
activity is in part related to insect availability. To investigate
these relationships we sampled bat activity with Anabat units and
sampled insect availability with passive flight intercept traps at 71
sample points in managed pine forests in the Coastal Plain of Alabama
and North Carolina. We used an information-theoretic approach to
investigate relations between bat activity levels and available insect
prey and evaluate relative plausibility of our candidate set of
multinomial logit models. Results indicate that bat activity was
positively related to insect richness. Additionally, models containing
insect richness and counts combined with structural clutter data were
the most plausible among our candidate set. Areas with low structural
clutter and high insect richness were most likely to be high activity
areas. Management activities should focus on identifying and promoting
these high activity areas across the landscape. Researchers attempting
to model bat activity across the landscape are likely to improve model
performance by including data on insect richness and availability in
T.R. Bomar*
and R.E. Kissell, Jr., School of Forest
Resources, Arkansas Forest Resources Center, University of Arkansas,
Monticello, AR 71656
Vicksburg National
Military Park is currently assessing three alternative landscape
treatments to better preserve the historical and cultural features of
the park as they were during the campaign, siege, and defense of
Vicksburg during the Civil War. The National Park Omnibus Management
Act of 1998 requires a scientific study be provided for park management
decisions where actions may have a significant impact on natural
resources. Our primary objective was to examine density and
distribution of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) for
each season (summer, fall, winter and spring) in Vicksburg National
Military Park prior to the landscape treatment. Deer density was
estimated using distance sampling. Data were collected by spotlighting
surveys along established roads. Distribution of deer was based on
locations determined from spotlight surveys. We observed a total of 136
individual deer in 69 deer groups with a mean group size of 1.97 (0.8
SE) in the summer (26 September through 30 September 2008). In the fall
(11 December through 15 December 2008) we observed 75 deer groups with a
mean group size of 1.97 (2.0 SE) and a total of 150 deer. Density in
summer and fall was 1 deer per 6.0 ha (± 4.1 (1 SD)) and 1 deer per 9.0
ha (± 1. 8 (1 SD)), respectively. There was no difference between
summer and fall densities. Deer were randomly distributed in summer
(Moran’s I = 0.363, p = 0.088) and in fall (Moran’s I = 0.100, p =
0.679) and more common in the grassland cover type and less common in
kudzu cover type. We expect an increase in deer density after the
landscape treatments.
M.K. Clark and M.E. Frazer.
Moonlight Consulting, 1612 Bayleaf Trail, Raleigh NC 27614 (MKC); N. C.
Department of Transportation,
Natural Environment Unit 4701 Atlantic Ave, Ste 116 Raleigh, NC 27604
The Northern Yellow
Bat (Lasiurus intermedius), occurs in coastal areas of the
Southeastern United States and is poorly known across its range. On May
8, 2008 an adult female Northern Yellow Bat was captured in a mist-net
in southern coastal North Carolina on Bald Head Island in Brunswick
County. Prior to spring 2008 the species was known in North Carolina
from only two specimens received by the state health department for
rabies testing. In an effort to learn more about this bat’s
distribution in the state a two night field survey took place on Bald
Head Island. Bald Head Island is the
southernmost of North Carolina's cape islands, the northernmost
semitropical environment on the East Coast and the northernmost location
where sabal palms (Sabal palmetto) grow naturally.
Sabal palms have
been documented as important roosting sites for Northern Yellow Bats in
Texas and Florida where bats were documented roosting among dead palm
fronds. Bald Head Island was chosen for survey because of the
similarity in vegetative composition to these sites and due to the
proximity of the island to specimen records from North Carolina.
Home range, Dispersal, and survival of the
ozark pocket gopher (Geomys bursarius ozarkensis)
M.B. Connior*
and T.S. Risch. Department of Biological
Sciences, Arkansas State University, State University, AR 72467
The Ozark pocket gopher (Geomys
bursarius ozarkensis) is a subspecies of the plains pocket gopher (G.
bursarius) inhabiting north-central Arkansas with an estimated
population of 3,500 individuals. Ozark pocket gophers are considered a
“species of greatest conservation need”; therefore, research on spatial
use and life-history characteristics were warranted. Home range size
could be predicted by the females’ body masses but not by the males.
Home ranges were significantly larger for females in the winter/early
spring versus late spring/summer possibly due to food availability and
the reproductive season. Pocket gophers had relatively high survival
rates for rodents; however, the majority of mortality occurred in the
winter months. Mortality factors of pocket gophers included both
predation and floods. Finally, fossorial burrows of pocket gophers
provide protection for pocket gophers as well as other vertebrates. We
recorded numerous amphibian, reptile, and small mammal associates
inhabiting pocket gopher habitat. Although pocket gophers are considered
agricultural pests, both conservationists and managers need to determine
the Ozark pocket gopher’s impact on the ecosystem’s health and viability
before managerial strategies are employed on this endemic
Southern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys
volans) aggregation behavior in south Carolina
M.B. Connior and
T.S. Risch, Department of Biological
Sciences, Arkansas State University, State University, AR 72467
Nest box aggregations of
southern flying squirrels (Glaucomys volans) was studied from
1992-1998 at the Savannah River Site in South Carolina. Of 5,859
occupied boxes, 60.3% contained solitary individuals, 13.6% contained
litters, and 26.1% contained aggregations of 2-10 adult and/or subadult
individuals. Of 1,529 aggregations, 10.7% contained subadults, 42.3%
contained mixed-aged individuals, and 47% contained adults. We
determined by following matriarchal lineages that at least 24% of the
aggregations containing adults and/or subadults contained at least 2
related individuals. Group mean was significantly different for all age
classes: subadult (N = 164, X= 2.561 ± 0.80), mixed age (N
= 647, X = 3.575 ± 1.64), and adults (N = 718, X
= 2.978 ± 1.30). Sex ratio for aggregations was 2.1:1, males:
females (N = 1529) and differed significantly from 1:1 (P
< 0.0001). Both group size (1-10) and aggregation size (2-10) were
inversely related to minimum temperature (P <0.001). Number of
related individuals (dyads) in aggregations was inversely related to
aggregation size (P <0.001). Yet, number of dyads in
aggregations was not related to minimum temperature (P=0.38).
Southern flying squirrels seem to aggregate during periods of cold
temperature in order to minimize energy expenditure from thermogenesis.
Although, some of the related individuals were captured together on many
occasions, overall this trend is not represented throughout the entire
J.C. Corcoran, T.C.
Carter, and G.A. Feldhamer. Department of
Zoology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale IL 62901(JCC and GAF);
Department of Biology, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306 (TCC)
In the past decade
tens-of-thousands of bats, including the federally endangered Indiana
bat (Myotis sodalis), have been hibernating in a complex of
abandoned underground microcrystalline silica mines in southern Illinois
owned by Unimin Specialty Minerals Corporation. One concern of having
so many endangered bats hibernating in one mine is the stability of the
mines and the dangers the bats may face using them as hibernacula. The
mines were created relatively recently and are still in the process of
settling. Thus, these mines might act as a potential sink, drawing in
hibernating bats but potentially collapsing and killing them. Thirteen
mines were surveyed for bats and for the amount of spalling (falling
material) that occurred over the 16 month study period from September
2006 to December 2007. Factors that could increase the amount of
spalling were quantified, including temperature, moisture in the
material of the walls in the mines, and temperature variability. Use of
the mines by bats was also documented. All three variables were
important at predicting the presence of bats. Spalling events could
also be predicted with these variables. Variation in temperature was
the best predictor of bats presence. Because bats prefer stable
temperatures above freezing and spalling occurs more often at high
variability of temperatures and very low temperatures, bats were usually
in areas that exhibited little or no spalling.
K.A. Cunningham*,
J.B. Johnson, C.A. Dobony, J.W. Edwards, W.M. Ford, and J.L. Rodrigue.
Division of Forestry, West Virginia University, Morgantown WV 26505 (KAC,
JBJ, and JWE); Natural Resources Branch, Environmental Division, US
Army, Fort Drum, NY 13602 (CAD); USDA Forest Service, Northeastern
Research Station, Box 404, Parsons, WV 262787 (WMF and JLR)
We determined roost-tree
selection of radio-telemetered Indiana bats (Myotis sodalis) on
the Fort Drum Military Installation in New York. Between 12 May and 16
September 2008, we mist netted 23 sites over 28 nights and captured 12
Indiana bats: 7 females (5 adults and 2 juveniles) and 5 males (3 adults
and 2 juveniles). Each bat was equipped with a transmitter and tracked
an average of 15 days until signal failure or loss of the transmitter.
We tracked bats daily to 42 separate roost trees. Tree switching
frequency was 2.0 days (SE ± 1.6 days) with an average travel distance
of 0.3 km (SE ± 0.2 km) between each new roost. In addition to the 42
roosts located in 2008, we included 36 roost trees found as part of a
pilot project in 2007 in our analysis. We compared characteristics of
located roost trees to trees found in paired, random plots. Roost trees
selected by Indiana bats were larger in diameter, but similar in roost
height, crown position, percent bark, and decay class to random trees.
Roost trees included 13 species: Ulmus americana (n = 37),
Acer saccharum (n = 12), Carya cordiformus (n = 7) and
Pinus strobus (n = 6), comprising nearly 80% of tree species
available with 9 other species with little representation. Snags within
roost plots, excluding roost trees, were also larger in diameter than
those in random plots. We will continue our ongoing field work
beginning May 2009.
J.S. Dennison*,
R.E. Kissell, Jr., S.W. Stephenson, and M.L. Kennedy.
Department of Biology, The University of Memphis,
Memphis, TN 38152(JSD and MLK); School of Forest Resources, University
of Arkansas, Monticello, AR 71656 (REK); Milan Army Ammunition Plant,
2280 Highway 104 West, Milan, TN 38358 (SWS)
The public, both sportsmen
and non-sportsmen, are increasingly holding decision makers accountable
for their judgments relating to natural resources, and reliable data are
required to assess the effectiveness of decisions relating to management
and conservation planning of exploited species. Stewardship is a
concern for one of the taxa most sought after and scrutinized in western
Tennessee, the white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus).
Overabundance of this taxon is a concern in many areas, while depressed
populations characterize others. Yet density data critical to planning
is lacking for most regions. Therefore, population abundance of deer
was assessed at the Milan Army Ammunition Plant in Carroll and Gibson
counties in western Tennessee during February 2008 (pre-hunt) and
December 2008 (post-hunt). The study was conducted on approximately
7,869 ha utilizing transect sampling and employed aerial-thermal
imaging. We replicated the assessment 3 times on separate nights. In
February, density was estimated as one deer per 13.2 ha (32.3 acres),
and, in December, it was estimated as one deer per 12.3 ha (30.3
acres). Generally, population levels are estimated to range from
5-25/km2 (13-65mi2). Our results follow an outbreak of Epizootic
Hemorrhagic Disease in the southeastern United States that impacted the
deer herd in western Tennessee.
J.E. Fender*,
M.L. Kennedy, G.D. Schnell, C. Sánchez-Hernández, M. de Lourdes Romero-Almaraz,
M.C. Wooten, and T.L. Best. Ecological
Research Center and Department of Biology, The University of Memphis,
Memphis, TN 38152 (JEF, MLK); Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural
History and Department of Zoology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
73072 (GDS); Departamento de Zoología, Instituto de Biología,
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, A.P. 70-153, Coyoacán, México,
D.F. 04510, México (CSH); Escuinapa No. 92 bis. Col. Pedregal de Santo
Domingo, C.P. 04360, México, D.F, México (MLR); Department of Biological
Sciences, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849 (MCW, TLB)
The prediction that
habitat heterogeneity and species richness of small mammals are
associated was tested at three spatial scales (0.04-ha, 0.25-ha, and
1-ha) in the tropical dry-forest region of Colima, Mexico. This
location, within the Mesoamerican biodiversity hotspot, was sampled
during winters of 2003-2007. Sampling was conducted (in total) on 25
trapping grids (each grid station with an arboreal and ground-level
trap) using a 10m x 10m design at each level, which resulted in 200
traps per grid. Grids were trapped an average of 7 nights during each
sampling session. In total, there were 40,000 trap-nights (1 trap-night
= 1 trap set for 1 night). Species richness at each spatial scale was
examined in relation to 14 habitat variables, representing vertical and
horizontal structure, taken at each trap site. Data were examined using
correlation and non-parametric multiplicative regression analyses. In
total, 17 species were found within the region studied. Habitat
heterogeneity and species richness were associated with selected
vertical and horizontal habitat features, but these varied with scale.
Our results provide new insight toward understanding the association of
species richness and spatial scale and support previous investigations
suggesting scale is a factor in understanding habitat heterogeneity and
species richness associations.
J.R. Flinn, B.M. Mormann,
and L.W. Robbins. Department of
Biology, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO 65897
In 2003, we discovered
that eastern red bats (Lasiurus borealis) were roosting in leaf
litter during the winter in southern Missouri. This began a five-year
study that has resulted in four Master’s theses and five published
papers. The initial questions (how, when, where, why) were based on a
quest for scientific knowledge, but the initial results changed the
focus of the project, especially toward management practices dealing
with tree species and prescribed burns. This presentation will focus on
the ecology and a companion presentation will concentrate on management.
From December, 2004 through February 2007 we captured 276 red bats in
201 net nights. Thirty-nine of these were successfully tracked to 73
tree roosts and 62 leaf litter roosts. Tree roosts in the first study
were found in eastern red cedars more often than expected. In the second
study cedars were rare and pines were common and oak trees were used
more often than expected. Leaf litter roosts were found in areas with
deeper leaves and more ground leaf cover. The majority of roosts were
located at higher altitudes with steeper slopes and where sun exposure
was greatest. The energetic consequences of these apparent roost and
habitat choices will be discussed.
W.M. Ford,
S.M. Crimmins, A. King, D.C. Culver and J.L. Rodrigue.
USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station,
Parsons, WV 26278 (WMF and JLR); Dept. of Forest Management,
University of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812 (SMC); USDI Fish and Wildlife
Service, Indiana Field Office, Bloomington, IN 47403(AK); Dept. of
Environmental Sciences, American University, Washington, D.C. 20016
Protection of winter
hibernacula from disturbance through gating and maintenance of proper
airflow undoubtedly are the most important conservation measures for
managing the Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis). Nonetheless, factors
such as landscape conditions for pre-hibernation foraging and geomorphic
characteristics also might influence whether hibernacula show stable,
increasing or decreasing populations. We created 11 a priori
models at a coarse “county-level” to test for relationships between
Indiana bat populations at 427 hibernacula with simple forest and
agricultural land cover metrics, as well as site factors such as gate
presence, flood and freeze risk, and geologic stability. Akaike’s
Information Criterion suggested that our KARST model containing Indiana
bat classification category (1-4), hibernaculum type (cave or
mine/tunnel), karst area in county, and local cave density was our
best-approximating model from an overall poor-performing set. Our
KARST+FOREST model containing percent county area of forest and our
ABIOTIC model containing flood and freeze risk and geologic stability
also had empirical support. Variables that positively populations
included: a lower classification category, increasing cave density in
the surrounding karst, and mine/tunnel as the hibernation site.
Increased freeze risk increased the odds of decrease. Decadal change in
forest and agricultural cover had no appreciable influence on population
change. Contrary to our expectations, the relative distribution of
classification categories and stable, increasing or decreasing
hibernacula did not differ across the Core, Appalachian or Northeast
M.J. Harvey,
Department of Biology, Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville TN
This presentation reviews
significant events and accomplishments concerning bat biology and
conservation in Arkansas, especially that related to distribution,
status, and ecology of endangered bat species. Throughout forty years,
beginning in 1967, numerous individuals representing federal and state
agencies, private organizations, universities, and others contributed
considerable time and effort to learn more about Arkansas bats and to
aid in their conservation.
J.A. Hawkins, P.L.
Sewell, M.W. Gumbert, Copperhead
Environmental Consulting, P.O. Box 73, Paint Lick, KY 40461
In April 2007, Copperhead
Consulting was contracted by ICI Services, LLC and the Engineer Research
Development Center, Construction Engineering Research Laboratory to
conduct concurrent field studies working with Myotis species in
proximity to known Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis) colonies on the
US Army Garrison Fort Knox and along Brashears Creek near Taylorsville,
KY. At Fort Knox, 289 bats representing 9 species were captured at 12
sites. Focus species complement included the northern bat (Myotis
septentrionalis; n = 111), Indiana bat (n = 25), and the little
brown bat (Myotis lucifugus; n = 20). Brashears Creek netting
resulted in the capture of a total of 78 bats representing 7 species.
Focus species complement included the Indiana bat (n = 48) and the
little brown bat (n = 9). Radiotelemetry at both sites resulted in the
location of 47 day roosts. Of these, thirty-seven (78.7%) were roosts
used by Indiana bats, six roosts (12.7%) were used by little brown bats,
and four (8.5%) were used by northern bats. Forty-one roosts were
located in trees of 13 species. Five roosts were located in human-built
structures and one bat was found roosting in a cave. Banding of Indiana
bats resulted in the recovery of three bands in two different
hibernacula in Kentucky. One banded little brown bat was found
hibernating in another cave, also in Kentucky.
C.D. Hein,
S.B. Castleberry, and K.V. Miller. ABR, Inc.,
Forest Grove, OR 97116 (CDH); Daniel B. Warnell School of Forestry and
Natural Resources, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602 (SBC and KVM)
Understanding year-round
roost-site selection is essential for managing forest bat populations.
Although our knowledge of summer day-roost characteristics has increased
in recent years, information regarding winter roosting habits of forest
bats is lacking. From January to March 2004–2006, we used
radio-telemetry to investigate winter roost-site selection by Seminole (Lasiurus
seminolus) bats on an intensively-managed pine (Pinus spp.)
landscape with forested corridors in the Lower Coastal Plain of South
Carolina, USA. We modeled roost-site selection using logistic regression
and used Akaike’s Information Criterion for small sample sizes (AICc)
and Akaike weights to select and evaluate models relating roost-site
selection to habitat and landscape features. We tracked 20 adult male
Seminole bats to 71 individual roosts. Bats used a variety of roosting
structures, including the canopy of overstory trees, understory
vegetation, pine needle clusters, and leaf litter. Roost height,
structure type, and habitat type were influenced by changes in minimum
nightly temperature. On warmer nights, bats selected overstory trees in
mature forest stands, but as minimum nightly temperatures decreased <4°
C bats typically selected roosts on or near the forest floor in
mid-rotation stands. Our results indicate distinct differences in
roosting strategy by Seminole bats between winter and summer. We
encourage forest managers to consider seasonal changes in roost-site
selection to minimize impacts to forest bats. Furthermore, we recommend
caution when conducting prescribed burns in mid-rotation stands when
nightly temperatures are <4° C to reduce potential disturbance and
direct mortality of winter roosting bats.
J.B. Johnson*,
J.W. Edwards, and W.M. Ford. Division of
Forestry and Natural Resources, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
26506 (JBJ and JWE); USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station,
Parsons, WV 26287 (WMF)
Following decades of fire
suppression in eastern forests, prescribed fire as a tool to restore or
enhance the oak (Quercus spp.) -dominated communities is gaining
widespread acceptance. The interactions of fire with other biotic
components such as wildlife that might benefit from such reintroduction
are poorly documented. In 2007 and 2008, we examined roost selection of
northern myotis (Myotis septentrionalis) maternity colonies in
stands treated with prescribed fire and in unburned control areas on the
Fernow Experimental Forest, West Virginia. We radio-tracked 36 female
northern myotis to 69 roost trees; 25 in the fire treatment and 44 in
the unburned areas. Regardless of treatment, northern myotis roosted in
black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) in greater proportion than
its availability. Within the prescribed-fire treatment, northern myotis
were more likely to use cavity trees smaller in diameter and higher in
crown class than random trees. These roosts often were surrounded
closely by larger, decaying snags that were in the upper crown classes.
In non-burned stands, northern myotis were more likely to roost nearer
the tops of larger diameter and taller, cavity trees in early stages of
decay that were surrounded by tall decaying trees. Roost trees in the
prescribed-fire treatment were associated with larger overall canopy
gaps than roost trees within the control treatment. Daily minimum
ambient temperatures were similar between a subset of roost trees in
prescribed-fire and control treatments, but daily mean and maximum
temperatures were higher in the prescribed-fire treatments. Roost
switching frequency, distance, and duration of individual roost tree use
were similar between the prescribed-fire and control treatments
suggesting similar roost tree availability despite a significantly
higher proportion of potential roost trees in the prescribed-fire
treatment. The reintroduction of fire accelerated snag creation, and
enlarged existing or created new canopy gaps.
J.T. Layne*
and L.W. Robbins. Department of Biology,
Missouri State University, Springfield, MO 65897
Current management
practices during winter utilize prescribed fires due to their minimal
intensity and patchy burn patterns compared to summer burns. Concerns
have arisen for Eastern red bats (Lasiurus borealis) that utilize
fallen leaf litter for roosting during cold (<10 C) temperatures. We
studied the responses of torpid red bats to stimuli from prescribed
fire. From lab studies we found that bats reacted to smoke quicker than
sound of an oncoming fire and were able to arouse faster than previously
thought. Bats were tested out in the field to observe the effects of
varying ambient weather conditions on reaction times from prescribed
fire. Bats aroused and flew quicker during warmer temperatures, and the
additional effect of increased wind sped up reaction times. Coupling
this information with previous winter roosting studies, implications for
forest management will be discussed to provide for beneficial fires
conducive to red bat survival.
Genetic structuring among hibernacula populations of the
endangered gray bat (Myotis
D.L. Lindsay, N.D. Barker, L.C. Ruff,
M.D. Blake, and R.F. Lance. U.S. Army
Engineer Research and Development Center – Environmental Laboratory,
Vicksburg, MS 39180
Past population declines in the endangered
gray bat (Myotis grisescens) have been attributed to losses of
hibernacula. As hibernacula have been increasingly protected, M.
grisescens numbers have increased, with some apparent shifts in the
locations of wintering populations (large losses and gains in numbers of
individuals at major hibernacula). In order to develop a broad
understanding of genetic structure in M. grisescens, we genotyped
373 individual samples from 11 colonies (10 hibernacula and 1 maternity)
using 6 microsatellite loci previously identified in M. myotis.
Samples included wing punches and scat. Because of the quality and
amount of DNA extracted from scat, as well as the use of microsatellite
markers that were not species-specific, some individuals were not
completely genotyped and null alleles were detected for each locus. When
possible, we employed a null allele correction developed by Chapuis &
Estoup (2007), as well as utilizing robust analytical approaches. Our
results indicated relatively low genetic diversity in M. grisescens
(A = 7.20, H = 0.55) compared to other Myotis
species (A = 8.17 – 21.0, H = 0.67 – 0.83), though null
alleles may account for much of this difference. Genetic differentiation
among populations (FST = 0.0327, P = 0.0001)
was considerable, and significant pairwise differentiation was common
between populations. We found no significant isolation-by-distance.
Assignment-based clustering of populations identified several different
putative clusters, some of which were comprised of hibernacula that are
relatively distant geographically, and which mostly agreed with
previously described subpopulation ranges. Additional work with added
sites and informative, species-specific genetic markers is warranted.
L.A. Lomas,
M. Mora, M. Bayless, and L. Stuemke. Trinity
River National Wildlife Refuge, PO BOX 10015, Liberty, TX 77575 (LAL);
Texas A&M University, 316
Nagle Hall, 2258 TAMU, Texas A&M University, College Station , Texas
77845 (MM); Bat Conservation International, PO BOX 162603, Austin, TX
78716 (MB); Stephen F. Austin State University,
East College at Raguet St., Box 6109, SFA Station,
Nacogdoches, TX 75962-6109 (LS)
A large maternity colony
of Rafinesque’s big-eared bats (Corynorhinus rafinesquii) was
discovered in an abandoned farmhouse on Trinity River National Wildlife
Refuge, TX, in 2004. Due to rapid decline of the farmhouse, two more
artificial bat roosts were erected near the farmhouse. They were
quickly colonized. During early April 2008 and late October 2007 and
2008, 22 bats were individually color banded, fitted with
radiotransmitters, and tracked to other roost sites. Efforts to study
the colony include recording data regarding roost occupancy, interior
roost temperature and humidity, and individual bat movement. Tracked
bats were found roosting in 4 artificial structures, 1 pine tree (Pinus
taeda), and 5 water tupelo trees (Nyssa aquatica), as well as
the 3 original manmade roosts. Temperature triggered changes in roost
selection. Tracked bats also moved considerable distances overnight to
new roost sites, up to 8 kilometers. This study is one of only two
studies that have involved radiotracking Rafinesque’s big-eared bats in
C.O. Martin,
A.S. McCartney, M.E. Like, and A.D. Magoun.
Environmental Laboratory, U.S. Army Engineer Research and development
Center, Vicksburg, MS 39180 (COM); Bureau of Land Management, Jackson,
MS 39206 (ASM); Sphere 3 Environmental, Longview, TX 75604 (MEL);
Applied Research and Analysis, Inc., Tallulah, LA 71284 (ADM)
Elongated airstrip
culverts on Meridian Naval Air Station (NAS), Mississippi, were surveyed
for bat occupancy from May 2005 thru December 2008. The culverts
include a series of units in the northern and southern portions of the
installation that allow stream flow beneath airstrips. Culvert
complexes at the North Runway consist of four adjoining units, each
approximately 3 m tall, 5 m wide, and 250 m long, whereas South runway
culverts consist of three units, each 7 m tall, 5 m wide, and 180 m
long. Species documented to use the culverts as roost sites were the
southeastern myotis (Myotis austroriparius), eastern pipistrelle
(Perimyotis subflavus), and big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus).
Counts of bats were made monthly in all culverts during the survey
period, and dataloggers were installed to record temperature and
relative humidity during 2007 and 2008. We compared culvert use monthly
within and among culvert complexes and analyzed variation based on
temperature and other factors. Eastern pipistrelles almost exclusively
roosted in the North Runway culverts during the fall and winter months.
Large numbers began occupying the culverts in November, and all but a
few individuals were gone by April. Highest counts were recorded in
February 2006 (n = 380) and December 2008 (n = 356). Southeastern
myotis used South Runway culverts only as maternity roosts but were
occasionally found in North Runway culverts during the cooler months.
Myotis counts in South Runway culverts increased from a high of 473 in
October 2005 to 1,706 in July 2008. The population of southeastern
myotis in the NAS Meridian runway culverts is considered significant
because it represents the largest sustaining maternity colony of this
species of special concern in eastern Mississippi. However, extensive
clearing of adjacent riparian forest buffers and subsequent
sedimentation in the culverts places this population in jeopardy.
Climatic factors influencing Tadarida
brasiliensis bridge roost occupancy
J.N. Mink*
and D.S. Vodopich. Biology Department, Baylor
University, Waco, TX 76798
The Brazilian free-tailed
bat (Tadarida brasiliensis) is perhaps the most
conspicuously abundant bat species in North America. However, diversity
in volancy behavior, including migrations of more than 1,300 km during
spring, is not fully understood. Timing of northward migration may be
critical in terms of consumptive fat demands to counter random,
capricious weather to the north. Episodes of fall migration may not be
as critical because bats are moving into benign climatic environments.
Indeed, fall migration may be triggered by unpredictable events, such as
sporadic cold fronts, and less fat reserves may be required for
spontaneous movements into more favorable southern locales. It is
unknown what factors stimulate mass movement of some bats from caves or
bridges while other members of the population remain ‑ staggered
migration, movement before weather fronts, or alternative roosts are
plausible strategies. The inherent atmospheric exposure of bridges may
increase the impact of weather fronts and their relevance to bat
migration. During the winter months of 2006-2008, temperatures were
continuously logged at a north-central Texas bridge roost to determine
if abrupt variations in climatic variables (cold fronts) correlate with
the frequency of individual bat roost occupancy. Meristics collected
included barometric pressure, cloud cover, humidity, temperature, wind
vector and bat number. Nine cold fronts occurred in winter 2006-2007
and six events occurred in 2007-2008. Correlation coefficients suggest
bridge roost occupancy positively relates to rapid temperature
declines. These data suggest that weather shifts cue incremental
migration, at least temporally, and that these individual bats do not
vacate bridge roosts before cold front arrival. Additionally, arrival
of nighttime cold fronts may influence daily bridge occupancy more
dramatically than daytime cold front events.
A.D. Morris, D.A. Miller,
and L.M. Conner. Joseph W. Jones Research
Center at Ichauway, Newton, GA 39870 (ADM & LMC); Timberlands
Technology, Weyerhaeuser Company, Columbus, MS 39704 (DAM).
Ultrasonic bat detectors
are often used to infer habitat use of bats in spite of questions
regarding their ability to do so appropriately. However, there have
been no empirical tests to determine appropriateness of using detectors
for habitat use studies. Therefore, we evaluated ability of bat
detectors to determine habitat use in evening bats, Nycticeius
humeralis, in southwestern Georgia. We radiotracked evening bats
while simultaneously acoustically sampling using bat detectors during
summer 2008. We used radiotelemetry data to assess whether habitat
selection had occurred among four habitat types (mature pine stands,
hardwood stands, open stands, and pine plantations) at multiple scales,
and to rank these habitats by preference. We also deployed ultrasonic
bat detectors overnight at 100 randomly selected sites in the four
habitat types. Compositional analysis showed that habitat selection
occurred at both the study area (2nd order selection) and
home range scales (3rd order selection). At the study area
scale, evening bats selected hardwood, open, and mature pine stands,
over pine plantations. At the home range scale, evening bats preferred
mature pine and open stands, over hardwood stands and pine plantations.
Evening bat activity, as assessed by time-expansion bat detectors, was
high in mature pine stands and open stands, and was low in hardwood
stands and pine plantations. Bat detector methods successfully
identified habitat types preferred at the home range scale. However,
bat detector methods failed to recognize importance of hardwood stands,
which were preferred at the study area scale. We discuss biases
associated with acoustic sampling and conclude that the method may only
be appropriate for examining stand-level feeding and commuting patterns.
J. M.
S. Bosworth, and M. LaVoie. Forestry and
Natural Resources, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634 (JMO); NC
Wildlife Resources Commission, current address Tyler, TX 75706 (SB);
Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, Cherokee, NC 28719 (ML)
Most research on the
federally endangered Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis) has focused on
Midwest populations. Little information exists about the distribution
and roost ecology of Indiana bats in the southern Appalachian Mountains,
the southern extent of the species range. These data are critical for
developing effective management strategies and monitoring programs in
the southern Appalachians. Our objectives were to collect summer
distribution data and identify the characteristics of summer roosts in
southwestern North Carolina. We netted on 52 nights at 38 sites in six
counties. We captured 554 bats representing 11 species and placed
transmitters on four adult male and four adult female Indiana bats.
Characteristics of roost trees and random trees with roost potential and
the surrounding habitat (0.1 ha plots) were measured; random trees were
≥50 m from the roost in a random direction. We located two eastern
hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) roosts for two males and 10 shortleaf
pine (Pinus echinata) roosts for four females. Hemlock roosts
(82.2 cm dbh; 95% bark remaining) were snags in 128–158 year-old
northern- or hemlock-hardwood stands. Pine roosts (27.3 cm dbh; <23%
bark remaining) were snags in 43–80 year-old mixed pine-hardwood stands.
Five variables distinguished pine roosts from random trees (paired
two-sample tests, p < 0.1). Pine roosts were taller and farther from
another tree the same height or greater. Pine roost plots contained a
lower proportion of trees taller than the roost, more dead trees, and
more dead trees in decay stage two. In southwestern North Carolina,
Indiana bats appear to selectively roost in tall conifers, which should
maximize solar exposure, and in close proximity to other suitable snags,
which may facilitate switching in the event of a disturbance. In 2009,
we will collect more roost data in the southern Appalachians and will
analyze roost selection at the landscape scale.
R.W. Perry,
D.A. Saugey, and B.G. Crump. Southern Research
Station, United States Forest Service, Hot Springs, AR 71902 (RWP);
Ouachita National Forest, United States Forest Service, Jessieville, AR
71949(DAS): Ouachita National Forest, United States Forest Service, Hot
Springs, AR 71902 (BGC)
The silver-haired bat (Lasionycteris
noctivagans) is a common,
migratory bat found throughout North America, but may only occur in the
southeastern United States during winter. Although studies have
examined roost selection during summer across its summer range, little
is known about their roosting habits in forests during winter and no
quantitative studies have been conducted on winter roosting by this
species. Using radiotelemetry, we quantified 31 roosts of silver-haired
bats during winter in Arkansas. Twenty-eight roosts were in trees, one
roost was in the crack of a large rock outcrop, and two roosts were at
ground level. Silver-haired bats roosted in 5 species of trees, but
most (81%) were in live shortleaf pines (Pinus echinata) and
typically under loose bark. Average diameter (dbh) of all roost trees
was 33.1 cm and average height to roosts in trees was 5.1 m.
Silver-haired bats preferred roosting in pine or pine-hardwood stands
>50 years old, and pine or pine-hardwood stands >50 years old that had
recently been partially harvested via single-tree selection and
subjected to recent controlled burning. They generally avoided roosting
in stands that were 15 to 50 years old. Aspect of both topographic
sites and locations of roosts on tree boles were primarily southerly,
and bats located their roosts in areas of the study area dominated by
southern aspects. Mean minimum temperature of days when roosts were
located in the rock outcrop or near the ground was significantly less
than days when roosts were located in trees, suggesting bats switched to
rock or ground roosts when ambient temperatures were coldest. Our
results demonstrate the importance of mature (>50 years old) forest
stands located on southern aspects and the
effects of temperature to roost site selection by silver-haired bats
during winter.
A. Poe
and C. Sutter. Pandion
Systems, Gainesville, FL 32601
distribution of bats in the atmosphere is an important determinant of
collision risk at wind facilities. For a collision (or near-collision)
event to occur requires a bat be present within the air space occupied
by the turbine at a time when the turbine is rotating. Under all other
combinations of time and space bats are not exposed and thus do not
experience mortality. Such relationships can be explored using
geo-spatial tools such as GIS. We used such an approach to determine if
habitat suitability could a priori determine relative levels of
abundance and mortality exposure for lasuirine bats at a proposed wind
facility. The areas immediately surrounding 4 ReBAT acoustic monitoring
stations were classed according to suitability. We predicted that areas
with higher suitability would have higher levels of acoustic activity
(indicator of abundance) within the rotor swept height (indicator of
exposure). The 4 stations were classed as: high (1 site), moderate (1),
low (2) habitat suitability. Pre-construction call rates from acoustic
monitoring at rotor swept height supported these designations with the
highest call rate (average of 6 calls/hour) reported at the site with
the highest suitability value and the lowest call rate (average of 1
call per hour) at the lowest suitability site. This relationship
between suitability as modeled in GIS and acoustic activity patterns, if
verified at other sites, could serve as an indicator of total abundance,
total exposure, and relative mortality risk at proposed wind
facilities. Such a relationship could be used to 1) model how changes
in habitat (e.g. clearing forest) might affect suitability and thus bat
abundance at proposed wind facilities; 2) minimize lasiurine bat
mortality) when siting potential wind facilities and when micrositing
turbines within facilities.
Winter Movements and Roost Site Selection of
Eastern Red Bats in Central Arkansas
Reynolds, T. Nupp,
Arkansas Tech University, Russellville, AR 72801
Eastern red bats (Lasiurus
borealis) are foliage roosting bats that occur statewide in Arkansas
and are common throughout much of the eastern United States. Red bats
inhabit a variety of habitat types from bottomland hardwoods to upland
pine stands. Red bats roost in foliage of hardwood trees during the
summer, however little is known about winter movements and roost
requirements. Red bats have also been documented roosting in deciduous
leaf litter during sub-freezing temperatures. In our study, we used mist
nets (41 net nights) to capture six male eastern red bats during the
winter months (November—March 2006, 2007) in order to determine their
winter roost selection and movements in central Arkansas. We attached
radiotransmitters and tracked each bat an average of 11 days. Five of
61 roost locations were under leaf litter. Tree roosts were located 1.2
to 15 m high in eastern red cedars (28%), Japanese honeysuckle tangles
in trees (25%), hardwoods (23%), and smilax (16%). Most roost locations
(89%) faced south or southeast suggesting bats select roosts based on
early morning solar radiation. Bats selected roost locations in vines or
hardwood trees when nighttime temperature remained above 5°C,
shifting to red cedar and leaf litter roosts on colder nights. Daily
distance moved between roosts varied between 1.2 and 2,059 m. However,
movement of bats ceased when nighttime ambient temperatures fell below 0°C.
Our data suggests that red bats select roosts in locations with sparse
canopy cover, forest edges, dense understory vegetation and roads. The
use of eastern red cedars, honeysuckle, and leaf litter as roosts during
winter months suggests that thinning and prescribed burning, both common
forestry/wildlife management techniques in southeastern forests, may
adversely affect overwintering red bats.
*C.L. Rice and K.M.
Tolson. Department of Biology, College of Arts
and Sciences, The University of Louisiana at Monroe, Monroe, LA 71209
Corynorhinus rafinesquii (Rafinesque’s
big-eared bat) is found in scattered localities throughout the
southeastern United States and is listed federally as a “species of
concern”. Throughout its range, this species is known to roost in water
tupelo (Nyssa aquatica) tree cavities. Tree cavities of 59
potential roost sites (water tupelo, Nyssa aquatica; bald
cypress, Taxodium distichum; willow oak, Quercus phellos;
and water oak, Quercus nigra) were searched for eighty-two days
from May 2007 to January 2009. During the winter of 2007, twelve
individuals were radio-tracked for 52 days to determine winter roost
site preference. The data revealed that C. rafinesquii might
select different “types” of water tupelo tree cavities during the summer
than in the winter. The tree types have been classified according to
the location of tree cavity openings: Type 1 (basal opening only), Type
2 (basal opening and chimney opening), and Type 3 (chimney opening
only). Research efforts were initiated at the Upper Ouachita National
Wildlife Refuge in northeast Louisiana to determine if the internal
cavity temperatures of the three tree types differ from one another
during both the summer and winter. One temperature data logger was
placed at a randomly selected height within thirty-six water tupelo
trees (12 of each tree type) that were confirmed roosting sites, while
two other data loggers were used to record the ambient temperature.
Approximately seven months (July 2008 - January 2009) of data will be
analyzed to determine the internal cavity temperature for all three tree
L.W. Robbins.
Department of Biology, Missouri State
University, Springfield, MO 65897
Published reports on
winter ecology of bats before the late 1990s dealt primarily with cave
and hibernation ecology. Non-cave species were represented by individual
records or anecdotal reports. However, in 1998 David Saugey tracked
three eastern red bats in Arkansas and reported their winter roosting
habits. This was the beginning of a series of papers documenting the
presence, activity and roosting ecology of Seminole bats in S. Carolina,
eastern red bats in N. & S. Carolina, and Virginia, and a five-year
study on eastern red bats in Missouri. During the course of this study
it was discovered that evening and silver-haired bats were also present
and active during the winter months. All of these species are
considered to be migratory. We have no recapture data to indicate that
the individual eastern red bats that are present during the summer are
also present in the winter, and silver-haired bats have not been
captured in this area during the summer. However, recapture data do
show that individuals of both sexes of evening bats remain on the study
area throughout the year. Although all three species are active on warm
(>9-10 C) winter evenings winter feeding studies indicate that eastern
red bats feed during these active periods, evening bats do not feed, and
some silver-haired bats feed, but the data are limited. Evening bats
occupied cavities in deciduous trees. The roosting ecology of red and
silver-haired bats will be discussed in companion presentations.
L.W. Robbins, J.R. Flinn,
J.T. Layne and S.N. Dey. Department of
Biology, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO 65897
Silver haired bats (Lasionycteris
noctivagans) are uncommon during the summer months in Missouri.
However, occurrence records increase during the fall and spring
migration. Throughout our studies on the ecology of winter bats in
Missouri, we captured 43 silver-haired bats during the fall/winters of
2004 through 2008, with captures in every month from October through
March. Of the 43 bats captured, 41 were caught in mist nets over ponds,
streams and service roads in forested areas of Southern Missouri; the
other two were found on the ground near Springfield, Missouri. Nine
males and 3 females were fitted with radio transmitters. We tracked
bats to roughly 24 roosts, with the all but one roost tree being an oak
species. We had one male roost in a cavity of a dead and decaying
shortleaf pine. Roosts consisted of live and dead trees with crevasses,
loose bark and/or cavities. Mean diameter at breast height and height
of roost trees were significantly different from random trees. In
addition to capture data, we placed Anabat detectors in four distinct
habitat types. These habitat types consisted of shortleaf pine forest,
pine/oak regeneration, oak/hickory deciduous and pond. This species was
recorded more often in regeneration areas and ponds compared to
continuous pine and deciduous areas. Fecal analysis indicated that these
bats are feeding on two orders of flying insects as well as non-volant
larval insects. We also found the average mass of females was greater
than males at the beginning of the winter but masses were similar in
late winter.
Sichmeller*, T.C. Carter, and M. Hohmann.
Department of Biology, Ball State University, Muncie IN 47306-0440 (TJS
and TCC); Engineering Research Development Center-Construction
Engineering Research Laboratory, Army Corps of Engineers, Champaign, IL
61826-9005 (MH)
Torpor is an important
strategy for many endothermic organisms. By decreasing body
temperature, animals can conserve energy that would otherwise be needed
for internal heat production. Quantifying the amount of energy savings
on animals in a field setting can be a difficult task. Our objective
was to compare the amount of energy conservation between three species
of female Myotis bats during pregnancy, lactation, and post-lactation.
Using an equation provided from Willis (2007), that provides a
standardized threshold for differentiating torpor from normothermia, we
were able to accurately calculate the relative amount of energy savings
based on temperature of the bats. Over the summers of 2007 and 2008, we
captured and applied temperature sensitive radio transmitters to 53
female, Indiana bats (Myotis sodalis), 33 female, northern
long-eared bats (M. septentrionalis), and 23 female, little brown
bats (M. lucifugus). Using telemetry dataloggers, we were able
to continuously record the signal from the transmitters and convert the
data points into temperatures of the bats. The data were recorded at
set intervals throughout the day and from these intervals, we extracted
the temperature of the bat at important events of the roosting bat’s
day, such as arrival to the roost, departure from the roost, onset of
torpor and becoming active. By applying Willis’ equation as an upper
limit of the onset of torpor, we then used body temperatures of the bats
in torpor to create a relative index for the amount of energy
conservation of the three different reproductive states of the Myotis
C. Sutter
and A. Poe. Pandion Systems, Gainesville, FL
The status of our current
understanding of bat fatalities at wind energy facilities is comparable
to that of avian fatalities in the late 1980’s when large scale avian
mortalities were first reported at Altamonte. The initial hypothesis
that avian abundance and mortality are proportional (Abird ≈
Mbird) was borne out for some avian taxa (e.g. Araptors
≈ Mraptors) but not for most taxa (e.g. Awaterfowl
≠ Mwaterfowl and Ashorebirds ≠ Mshorebirds).
Studies of bat mortality have yielded similar results in there is an
apparent relationship between abundance and mortality for some species
in some locations but this relationship is not universal. For birds
intensive research on collision-prone avian species identified
behavioral factors which resulted in increased mortality for these
species. For example, engagement in hunting behavior by Golden Eagles
appears to increase mortality (Agoldeneagle + Bhunting
≈ Mgoldeneagle). The equation describing the
relationship between abundance and mortality was modified to include
behavioral factors (≈Ms1).
These lessons learned for birds suggest that 1) the selection of the
taxonomic unit is critical to prevent patterns from being obscured and
2) that the relationship between abundance and mortality may be
behaviorally-mediated. If so, then identification of these
species-specific factors is critical to improving the strength of
pre-construction abundance studies to predict post-construction bat
D.M. Wolcott*,
and M.L. Kennedy. Department of Biology, The
University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152
Density was assessed for a
population of Virginia opossums (Didelphis virginiana) during
winter of 2008. The study was conducted at the Meeman Biological
Station in western Tennessee, which was located in a suburban area of
Memphis. Habitat was mainly upland forest typical of the region.
Mark-recapture data were collected from captures on a trapping grid.
Trap configuration was 5 x 10 (traps spaced approximately 150 m apart)
with traps distributed over approximately 81 ha. Branches were placed
along sides and rear of traps to prevent animals from robbing bait
(commercial canned catfood). Traps were set to capture Virginia
opossums during 40 nights; this yielded a total of 2,000 trap nights
(one trap set for one night) for the study. Upon capture, animals were
tagged in both ears with ear tags and released at the site of capture.
Density was estimated using the program DENSITY. In total, 38 Virginia
opossums (20 males; 18 females) were captured 81 times. The mean
greatest distance moved between points of capture (based on movements of
13 individuals with multiple captures) was 152 m. Total area of effect
was determined to be 150 ha. Density was estimate as 1 opossum per 4.0
ha. To our knowledge, this investigation represents the first report of
population density for the species in a suburban area of Tennessee.
M.J. Bender*,
S.B. Castleberry, D.A. Miller, and T.B. Wigley.
Daniel B. Warnell School of Forestry and Natural
Resources, University of Georgia, Athens, GA (MJB and SBC); Weyerhaeuser
Company (DAM); National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. (TBW).
Acoustical sampling is an
important and widely used component of bat surveys and monitoring
programs. Researchers have developed methods to acoustically sample
bats and store data effectively and inexpensively using Pettersson D240X
detectors coupled with MP3 recording devices. One factor hampering more
widespread use of this full spectrum passive recording system is the
lack of a timer to program stop and start times. Timers are critical to
passive acoustic sampling, ensuring that multiple detectors sample
concurrent time periods, extending battery life, and limiting data
collection to time periods of interest. We created an inexpensive,
battery operated timer that allowed us to program start and stop times,
enhancing our ability to conduct passive surveys with this recording
system. Material costs were approximately $75 and construction took
less than 30 minutes. We constructed and used four timers over two
summer seasons, corresponding to over 300 timer nights, without
malfunction. Our timers permitted us to deploy detectors during
daylight hours and retrieve them at our convenience the following day.
Because detectors were deployed before sunset, personnel safety was
enhanced and additional research activities (e.g., mist-netting) could
be conducted during the hours around sunset.
S.R. Bishop,
J.R. Young, and J.E. Settles. East Kentucky
Power Cooperative, Inc., 4775 Lexington Rd., Winchester, KY 40391
On July 12, 2007, a post lactating Indiana
bat was captured on the Daniel Boone National Forest (DBNF) during a
mist netting survey for a transmission line in Clay County, Kentucky.
The female bat was the first documentation of Indiana bats in Clay
County and telemetry led to the first Indiana bat maternity colony in
Clay County and on DBNF property. The bat was tracked to a dead
American elm (RT1) on July 13 and to another dead elm (RT2) on July 15,
but could not be located on July 14 or after July 15. Emergence counts
at RT1 yielded 15 bats (including the female) on July 13 and 11 bats on
July 16. Only one bat emerged from RT2 on July 17.
Based on the time of year, the colony had
likely disbanded into smaller groups that were using their primary
roost(s) less and their alternate roosts more frequently. Therefore it
is likely the colony was using other roost trees near RT1 and RT2. To
determine the amount of suitable roosting habitat around the two roost
trees, the colony’s home range was examined using forestry data. The
home range was estimated to encompass an 8-km radius around the roost
trees and contained approximately 20,342 ha, 18,322 ha (90%) of which
were forested. The forested acres contained 1,976,000 trees of
appropriate species and size (dbh >23 cm) to be potential roost trees.
However, because maternity colonies typically use dead or dying trees,
an estimate was made of 1 to 2 dead or dying trees per hectare,
resulting in 18,300 to 36,600 suitable roost trees in the home range.
This high density means that the colony likely uses other roost trees in
the home range and should be able to locate other suitable roost trees
when RT1 and RT2 are no longer usable.
E.R. Britzke,
S.C. Loeb, B. Slack, and M. Armstrong, Engineer
Research and Development Center, US Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg,
MS 39180 (ERB); USFS-Southern Research Station, Clemson, SC 29634 (SCL);
Kentucky Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Resources, Frankfurt, KY40601 (BS);
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Frankfurt, KY 40601 (MA).
Standardized mist nets
protocols are used to survey for the federally endangered Indiana bat (Myotis
sodalis) when disturbances are proposed in potential habitat.
Because bats often elude nets, use of acoustic detectors can increase
detectability of some species. Consequently, in 2007 the USFWS Kentucky
Field Office initiated the use of Anabat II bat detectors in Indiana bat
surveys. The objectives of this study were to determine the sampling
effort required to obtain a 90% chance of detecting Indiana bats if they
are present using the Anabat II system. We established 30 acoustic
sampling sites at each of 2 locations where Indiana bat maternity
colonies were documented in 2007. Anabat II detectors connected to CF-ZCAIMS
were placed at each site for 3 nights in late June and mid-late July and
echolocation calls were recorded for the entire night. We identified
calls to species using a discriminant function analysis and determined
the probability of detecting Indiana bats using the program PRESENCE.
Detection probabilities did not vary with sampling night but were lower
for ½-night sampling (0.43-0.47) compared to full night sampling
(0.52-0.59). Based on average detection probabilities, the probability
of detecting an Indiana bat if it is in the area is 0.52-0.59 after 1
full night of sampling, 0.77-0.83 after 2 nights of sampling, 0.89-0.93
after 3 nights of sampling, and 0.95-0.97 after 4 nights of sampling.
However, if >2 detectors are used and placed at independent
sites, a 90% chance of detecting an Indiana bat can be obtained in an
area with 2 nights of sampling even if sampling only occurs for 5
hours. Our results provide a baseline for the survey requirements in
areas of known Indiana bat presence and future work will examine the
sampling effort needed to detect Indiana bat presence in areas with
lower density.
First record documenting the silver color
variant of
Myodes gapperi
(red-backed vole) in north carolina
L.J. gatens
and M.V. Hightshoe. North Carolina Museum of
Natural Sciences, Raleigh, NC 27601 (LJG); North Carolina State
University, Raleigh, NC 27695
Myodes gapperi,
red-backed vole, occurs throughout much of northern North America, with
southward extensions into the Rocky and Appalachian Mountains. In
western North Carolina M. gapperi is common above 3,000’. In
June 2008 we conducted a small mammal survey on a 16.08 acre tract of
the recently acquired Pineola Bog State Natural Area in Avery County,
North Carolina. Trapping was conducted over a three night period and a
total of 13 specimens of 4 species were collected. These included
Blarina brevicauda (4), M. gapperi (4), Peromyscus
leucopus (2), and Ochrotomys nuttalli (3). One of the 4
M. gapperi exhibited the gray pelage variation with very little red
along the dorsal band. One specimen of the gray variation was reported
from Wise County, VA in 1967. Though common in the northern portion of
it’s range, this color variant has not yet been reported from North
A. Janicki*
and T. Tomasi. Department of Biology, Missouri
State University, Springfield, MO 65804
White-Nose Syndrome (WNS)
is a large-scale epidemic that is killing cave-dwelling bats in the
northeast while they are hibernating. Since its discovery in four caves
near Albany, NY, it has spread at least 250 km to at least four
neighboring states. Affected caves are experiencing greater than 90 %
mortality in one year. With such a rapid spread and a high mortality
rate, it is important to determine the cause of this epidemic. WNS is
causing bats to deplete all of their fat reserves before hibernation is
over and this could be the result of higher metabolic rates in affected
bats. We predict that affected bats will also have a higher metabolic
rate prior to hibernation. The metabolic rates of little brown bats (Myotis
lucifugus) were studied in multiple sites in New York, Pennsylvania,
and Missouri during July and August 2008. While the bats where kept in
a metabolic chamber, oxygen consumption rates and body temperatures were
measured during daily torpor using an oxygen analyzer and iBBats
respectively. As expected, metabolic rates increased with ambient
temperature and body temperature, and decreased with relative depth of
torpor. After accounting for the effect of ambient temperature, there
was no difference in metabolic rates between sites (p = 0.695).
However, when data were removed for bats with relatively shallow torpor
(metabolic rate > 5.00 ml O2/h/g2/3), there was a
significant difference in metabolic rates between sites (p <
0.0005). Missouri bats showed higher metabolic rates than New York and
Pennsylvania bats. A three-way ANOVA showed that age (p = 0.014)
has an effect on metabolic rate in addition to location (p <
0.0005), while gender does not (p = 0.329). There was a
significant difference between sites (p < 0.0005) in relative
depth of torpor when ambient temperature is taken into account.
Contrary to our prediction, bats in New York that are affected by WNS
did not show higher metabolic rates during the summer when compared to
possibly affected bats in Pennsylvania and unaffected bats in
T.L. Klotz*
and T.S. Risch, Department of Biological
Sciences, Arkansas State University, Jonesboro AR 72467
An important step to
address the conservation of species is to collect data on the range and
distribution of that species. However, these data are often lacking,
especially on uncommon species or in areas near the periphery of a
species range. Rafinesque’s big-eared bat (Corynorhinus rafinesquii)
and the southeastern myotis (Myotis austroriparius) are species
native to the southeastern United States. These species are both
designated as species of concern throughout much of their range. The
range of these bats in Missouri is restricted to the bottomlands of the
Mississippi Delta which includes Donaldson Point Conservation Area (DPCA)
managed by the Missouri Department of Conservation. Despite the
potential importance of this protected habitat to these rare bats and
other species, the DPCA has not been surveyed for bats. DPCA contains
an 888 ha natural area that contains numerous large (>100 cm dbh)
tress. These trees may serve as roost sites for bat species, especially
C. rafinesquii and M. austroriparius. Mist netting in the
natural area took place from June 2008 to October 2008. Mist nets were
set over flight corridors (i.e. access roads), and monitored for at
least 5 hours each night. A total of 45 net nights were conducted.
Twenty-four individual bats representing five species were captured
including both C. rafinesquii and M. austroriparius. The
most numerous species captured was the eastern red bat (Lasiurus
borealis) (14 individuals). Future research will focus on the
roosting ecology of C. rafinesquii and M. austroriparius
on DPCA.
S.C. Loeb and E. Winters,
USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station,
Clemson SC (SCL); USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, New
Ellenton, SC (EW)
Although use of day roosts
by multiple species has occasionally been reported, the extent of roost
sharing, either simultaneously or consecutively, has rarely been
examined. The objectives of this study were to determine: 1) the extent
of use of Rafinesque’s big-eared bat (Corynorhinus rafinesquii)
roosts by other bat species, 2) seasonal variation in use, and 3)
whether other species select specific roost characteristics. We
inspected 46 Rafinesque’s big-eared bat tree (RBEB) roosts with basal
cavities and 5 roosts in artificial structures (4 bridges and 1 barn) at
the Savannah River Site, Aiken and Barnwell Counties, SC, at least once
per week May-October 2005-2008 and November 2008-January 2009, and 1-2
times per month November-April 2006-2008. Twenty roost trees and all of
the artificial structures were used by >1 other bat species.
Southeastern myotis (Myotis austroriparius) were found in 13 RBEB
roost trees (17 times with RBEB, 67 times alone); they were never found
under bridges or in the barn. Use of RBEB roosts occurred in most months
but peaked from July-December. Used trees did not differ from non-used
trees in terms of species, height, diameter, distance to nearest tree,
or habitat. Tri-colored bats (Perimyotis subflavus) used 11 RBEB
roost trees (12 times with RBEB, 19 times alone), 1 building (7 times
with a RBEB, 2 times alone), and all 4 bridges (129 times with RBEB, 81
times alone). Tri-colored bats only used RBEB roost trees in November,
December, January, April, and May but used bridges throughout the year.
However, bridge use peaked during the winter months. Tri-colored bats
selected the shortest RBEB roost trees; otherwise trees used by
tri-colored bats did not differ from non-used trees. Our results suggest
that there is substantial overlap in roost use among 3 species,
especially during winter. Thus, the potential for significant
interspecific interaction exists, particularly if roost structures are
R.W. Perry.
Southern Research Station, Forest Service, United States Department of
Agriculture, Hot Springs, AR 71902
Although Seminole bats (Lasiurus
seminolus) are found throughout the southern United States, older
studies suggest they may be short–range migrants, moving to areas along
the Gulf Coast during the winter months. Furthermore, data from
Arkansas suggests that female Seminole bats may not reproduce in
Arkansas, but may move into the area after the juvenile rearing season
(July). I am conducting a study to determine if sex-based changes in
the regional distribution of Seminole bats exist, or whether observed
patterns are simply a function of biased sampling. I am creating
seasonal distribution maps for males and females using data from museum
records, publications, and mist netting studies conducted throughout the
southeastern United States. To-date, I have received information on
over 800 specimens housed at 19 museums, and data from 21 publications
and one mist-netting study. I am requesting information on captures of
Seminole bats from bat researchers and others conducting studies or
surveys throughout the Southeastern United States.
B.M. Sabol,
R.E. Melton, and R.R. Currie. U.S. Army Engineer Research and
Development Center (ERDC), Vicksburg, MS 39180 (BMS and REM);
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS),
Ashville, NC 28801(RRC)
To improve accuracy of
census data for evaluating gray bat (Myotis grisescens)
population trends, a thermal infrared videographic technique was
developed that involves automated digital image processing to detect,
track, and count bats in flight. Initial testing and validation of the
technique, performed at numerous gray bat maternity caves in the
southeastern US during 2006, showed the precision of this technique as
well as generally favorable comparison with established census
techniques, such as visual counting and estimates based on guano
deposition. A baseline version of this imaging methodology has been
finalized, a patent application filed, and a user’s guide prepared. In
support of the FWS mission to assess the population status of the
endangered gray bat, a week-long hands-on training class was conducted
in May 2008 at the Ozark Underground Laboratory (OUL), Protem, MO.
Eighteen (18) participants, from state and federal agencies, NGOs, and
the private sector, participated. After initial classroom instruction
on thermal infrared imaging fundamentals, the group divided into 4
teams, one for each of the camera systems available, and independently
and simultaneously collected and processed imagery data for caves in the
vicinity of OUL. This represented the first opportunity to compare
counts for independent simultaneous recordings of a single emergence
event, multiple independent processings of a single camera recording of
an emergence event, and night-to-night variation for a single cave. It
was found that multiple independent recordings and processings of a
single emergence events exhibited a coefficient of variation (s/m)
around 10% when imaging setup criteria and processing guidance were
carefully followed. Departure from these criteria could lead to much
larger variations. Multiple independent processings of a single recorded
emergence event exhibited coefficient of variation under 6% when
parameter selection guidelines were carefully followed. Differences in
nightly mean counts for the same cave, under similar weather conditions
during the same week, were negligible (<1%). Following the class,
multiple camera systems were kept in use by various class members during
the summer of 2008 recording gray bat emergences at maternity caves
throughout the southeastern US.
B. Slack, M. Armstrong, E. Britzke, and S. Loeb.
KY. Dept. of Fish & Wildlife Resources, #1 Sportsman’s Lane, Frankfort,
KY 40601 (BS); U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service KY Ecological Services
Field Office, 330 W. Broadway, Room 265, Frankfort, KY 40601 (MA);
Southern Research Station, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634(SL);
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering and Development Center, 3909
Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg, Mississippi 39180 (EB)
Surveys conducted
for the federally endangered Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis) consist
of mist-netting and, in Kentucky, passive acoustic monitoring. The
objective of this study was to determine how detector orientation (0°,
45°, and 90° angles) and weatherproofing (waterproof container with PVC
pipe and Bathat) affect the quantity and quality of bat calls recorded
with Anabat systems. Five Anabat systems were deployed on 1.5 m (5.0
ft) tripods at each site. Each detector was randomly assigned to an
orientation or weatherproofing treatment and to the placement of the
treatment in each station. Sites were chosen to represent the range of
suitable habitats based on our experience with recording echolocation
calls in similar environments. A total of 17 sites were surveyed in
which sampling equipment functioned properly for all five treatments.
The total number of files recorded varied by treatment (F = 4.02; p <
0.006), with the BatHat having the lowest number of files recorded,
while the PVC protection had the highest. The average number of pulses
varied among treatment (F = 8.02; p < 0.001) and the BatHat had shorter
files comparatively. The number of files making it though the ID filter
were significantly different among treatments (F = 15.37; p < 0.001)
with the BatHat recording calls of lower quality than the other
treatments. A total of six species were detected during this sampling.
Red bats (Lasiurus borealis) and big browns (Eptesicus fuscus)
were found at the most sites. Species richness recorded with the BatHat
was approximately ½ of the other sites and the horizontal orientation
had a lower species richness than the PVC, vertical, and 45°
orientations. Overall, the 45° angle and PVC weatherproofing yielded
the best results with regard to bat call detection rate and quality.
Researchers should consider the impacts of the orientation and
weatherproofing options on their results.
Survey methodologies for the Rafinesque’s Big-eared Bat (Corynorhinus
in East Texas
L.A. Stuemke*,
C.E. Comer, W.C. Conway, M.L. Morrison, and R.W. Maxey. Arthur
Temple College of Forestry, Stephen F. Austin State University,
Nacogdoches, TX 75962 (LAS, CEC and WCC);
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Texas A & M University,
College Station, TX 77843 (MLM); Texas Parks and Wildlife, Wildlife
Division, Karnack, TX 75661 (RWM)
Rafinesque’s big-eared bat
and Southeastern myotis populations are declining throughout their range
in the southeastern United States and are classified as threatened or
rare by various state wildlife agencies. Despite recent increased
research attention, a primary concern for these species is the lack of
reliable and accepted survey techniques to determine occupancy. In an
effort to develop a sound sampling protocol we concurrently compared
three survey techniques; mist-netting, acoustical monitoring, and roost
tree searches along transects in randomly selected, 100-ha blocks of
appropriate habitat. Between May and August 2008, we surveyed 8,179 ha
of forested habitats at Caddo Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Caddo Lake
Wildlife Management Area, and Little Sandy National Wildlife Refuge. We
had a total of 38 net/trap nights, 59 acoustical survey nights, and 1200
ha walking transects. We successfully documented target species with
all three techniques, including; four out of 98 bats captured in mist
nets, three new roosts discovered, and various calls documented.
K.M. Womack,
S.K. Amelon, and T. Elliot. Department of
Fisheries and Wildlife, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65201 (KMW);
USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station, Columbia, MO 65201 (SKA);
Missouri Department of Conservation, Kirksville, MO 63501(TE)
Studies examining Indiana
bat, (Myotis sodalis) habitat use during the summer have
suggested that selective tree removal in oak-hickory dominated stands
should increase M. sodalis activity in both foraging and roosting
locations. However, no study has examined the affects of fuel reduction
by selective tree removal over a long term period in M. sodalis
maternity colonies. My study area incorporates 3 Missouri Department of
Conservation areas in northeastern Missouri. Each conservation area is
at a different stage of forest management. The conservation area of
primary focus in my study has received no forest management. This is
allowing me to collect baseline data for 2 field seasons to determine
landscape use (foraging and roosting) by M. sodalis within and
around the conservation area pre-treatment. Subsequently, I will study
changes to use by M. sodalis during tree removal (2 seasons) and
post harvest (2 seasons) in this conservation area. This study also
examines female M. sodalis diet by using a new genetic technique
(Claire, 2008) to identify individual prey species by from fecal samples
DNA sequences. By comparing the insect DNA found in fecal pellets to a
reference library of insect DNA sequences, I will quantify M. sodalis
diet composition. This new approach to dietary analysis will allow me
to determine if female Indiana bats are prey generalists or specialists
by comparing the percentages of individual prey species in fecal samples
to their availability in determined foraging areas to better understand
how their diet changes throughout the summer.
Effect of Bat Detector Orientation on
Acoustical Monitoring Survey Results, correlation or coincidence
J.R. Young,
S.R. Bishop, and J.E. Settles. East Kentucky
Power Cooperative, Inc.,4775 Lexington Rd., Winchester, KY 40391
The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
Kentucky Ecological Services Field Office (KFO) issued new guidance for
Indiana bat surveys in Kentucky beginning in 2007. A major component of
the new survey guidance was the implementation of acoustical monitoring
surveys using Anabat systems with Analook software and two filters
provided by the KFO to acoustically identify Indiana bat (MYSO) calls.
We conducted acoustical monitoring surveys at 59 sites (168 detector
nights) throughout eastern Kentucky during the 2007 and 2008 survey
seasons, resulting in 61,530 recorded call files, including 213 call
files identified as MYSO. Positive MYSO identifications occurred during
28 detector nights when at least one MYSO call file was identified.
These positive MYSO identifications seemed to be dependent on the
habitat type where the bat detector was deployed, with 19 (68%)
occurring within stream corridors, 7 (25%) from ponds and only 2 (7%)
from field, road, and forest openings combined. Of the MYSO
identifications within stream corridors, 17 (89%) were recorded from
detectors oriented horizontal – 30º, while only 2 (11%) came from 45º –
vertical orientations. MYSO identifications occurred 53% of the time
detectors were deployed within a stream corridor with a horizontal – 30º
orientation. No Myotis sodalis were captured during associated
mist netting surveys within the stream segments where MYSO calls were
identified; however, Myotis lucifugus were captured within 100%
of them. Our data seems to indicate the orientation of bat detectors
and the presence of other species can affect the results of an
acoustical survey intended to indicate Indiana bat presence or absence.
Though more research is needed to determine if these results represent a
correlation or coincidence, the results are consistent with previous
studies which indicate habitat types, geographic and intraspecific
variation, Doppler effect, and atmospheric conditions can affect the
results of acoustical monitoring surveys.