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Arkansas Delta Writing Project
completes second Summer Writing Institute
July 6, 2010
The Arkansas
Delta Writing Project completed its second Summer Writing Institute
for Teachers on Friday, July 2. The four-week summer writing institute
was held at Arkansas State University in the Department of Teacher
Education. Worth two graduate courses in the Department of Teacher
Education, the institute requires an application process, an interview,
and the presentation of an interactive demonstration lesson.

Participants in this year's Summer Writing
Institute for Teachers were, from left, Peggy Gipson, Beverly Campbell,
Shelly Eichman, Crystal Micheli, Star Martin, Tim Bennett, Jodi Hancock,
Melanie Corbett, Teri Spillman, Amy Walton, and Kerri Bennett.
This year, two educators joined Dr. Dixie Keyes as facilitators of the
intensive writing workshop. Trina Walls, a fifth grade literacy teacher
from the Nettleton School District and Carolyn Ponce, a music
appreciation instructor at ASU, led journaling events,
writing marathons, and guided the creation of an institute website. The
facilitators and the fellows produced and published two major writing
pieces, along with various poems.
Keyes commented, “The core of our summer writing institute is always the
demonstration lessons created by the fellows. Teachers learn from other
teachers, and the National Writing Project
believes in providing the time and space for such a community of
educators to gather and to dialogue about and showcase what they do each
The culminating events of the institute included the publication of a
print anthology and an afternoon Poetry Café read-aloud event. Writing
to reflect, writing to learn in content areas, writing to publish, and
creative writing were all experienced over the four weeks. All of the
writing and learning events from the institute were designed so that
teachers of writing and other content areas can experience writing
themselves. National Writing Project research states that writing
project teachers’ students simply write more, and writing more raises
student achievement.
A recognition and recruitment drop-in event was held on Friday, July 2
in the Spring River Room of ASU's Reng Student Services Center/Student
Union for participants' family members, friends, colleagues and
administrators, who were able to stop in, enjoy some appetizers, and see
the featured achievements of the summer writing fellows. This event also
promoted the recruitment of ADWP fellows for the summer of 2011.
All teachers, kindergarten through college, in any content area, are
invited to apply to next year’s summer writing institute. For more
information, visit the
Arkansas Delta Writing Project online, or call Dr. Dixie Keyes at
(870) 680-8065.
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