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ABI faculty attend, present at World
Congress on In Vitro Biology
July 2, 2008 --
Seven members of the
Arkansas Biosciences Institute faculty at Arkansas State University
recently attended and participated in the World Congress on In Vitro
Biology held Saturday-Wednesday, June 14-18, in Tucson, Ariz. This
international congress, held every four years, focuses on issues
pertinent to plant and animal research.
ASU participants included Dr. Greg C. Phillips, dean of the Colleges of
Agriculture, Engineering, and Sciences and Mathematics; Dr. Pam
Weathers, senior professor, metabolic engineering; Dr. Brett Savary,
associate professor, agriculture; Dr. Argelia Lorence, assistant
professor, metabolic engineering/chemistry; Dr. Fabricio Medina-Bolívar,
assistant professor, plant metabolic engineering/biology; Dr. Chunzhao
Liu, assistant professor, bioengineering; and Dr. Ganapathy Sivakumar,
assistant professor, bioengineering.

Dr. Greg C. Phillips presented a session, “Interview Basics: Academia
vs. Industry,” at the conference and also participated in a related
Student Education session followed by mock interviews with attending
undergraduate and graduate students. He currently serves on the Society
for In Vitro Biology publications committee, and attended editorial
meetings for the society’s sponsored scientific journal, In Vitro
Cellular and Developmental Biology – Plant, of which he is the outgoing
editor-in-chief. Phillips will be involved in special editorial projects
during the upcoming year in his role as editor-in-chief emeritus.
Dr. Pam Weathers presented both talks and posters on “Murine Interleukin
12 Production in Tobacco Hairy Roots in 3 Reactor Systems,” and
“Artemisinin Production from Artemisia annua Shoot Cultures.”
Weathers was also the session organizer and co-convener for the plenary
session “Large-Scale Cell- and Tissue-based Production of
Biopharmaceuticals and Secondary Metabolites.” At this session, Dr.
Chunzhao Liu presented a talk, “Novel Plant Reactors for Pharmaceutical
Production,” and Dr. Ganapathy Sivakumar presented a talk and poster,
“Air Lift Balloon-Type Bioreactor: Platform for Commercial Production of
Plant-Based Small Molecules and Tissues,” co-authored by Dr. Maureen
Dolan, Jose Condori, Selester Bennett, Loretta Bacchetta, and Dr.
Fabricio Medina-Bolívar. Dr. Weathers also serves on the Board of
Directors for the Society for In Vitro Biology (SIVB), and as chair of
the Public Policy committee and chair of the Student Awards committee
for the SIVB.
Dr. Fabricio Medina-Bolívar chaired the session, “New Strategies for the
Production of Specialized Metabolites,” which included speakers from the
U.S., Mexico, and Zambia. Dr. Medina-Bolívar was also an invitational
speaker at the session, “Biodiversity for Improving Human Health,” with
a talk and poster titled “Production and Neuroprotective Properties of
Natural Resveratrol Analogs from Hairy Root Cultures,” co-authored by
Dr. Malathi Srivatsan, Jose Condori, Dr. Ganapathy Sivakumar, Dr.
Mahadevappa P. Badanavalu, and Dr. Maureen Dolan. Dr. Medina-Bolívar’s
conference presentation, “Production of Stilbenoides by Hairy Root
Cultures,” is featured in the June 2008 issue of the journal Agricell
Report. Presentations made by Dr. Medina-Bolívar and Dr. Sivakumar
focused on the application of plant-based hairy root technology for the
production and discovery of natural compounds with applications in human
Dr. Brett Savary presented an interactive poster, “Growth patterns,
sectreted protein profiles, and EST transcripts from sugar beet (Beta
vulgaris, L.) hairy root cultures,” co-authored by Dr. Prasanna Vasu
and Dr. Daya Anandan of ABI and Dr. Ann Smigocki and Dr. Alberto Nunez of
the United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research
Dr. Argelia Lorence spoke at the Plant Symposium, “New Strategies for
Production of Specialized Metabolites,” with a presentation,
“Engineering Ascorbate for Enhanced Growth, Nutritional Content and
Stress Tolerance in Crops.” Lorence also chaired the Plant Symposium,
“Biodiversity for Improving Human Health,” with responsibilities that
included session design, inviting of and gathering funds for appropriate
speakers, and logistics. Lorence initiated an umbrella agreement,
“Memorandum of Agreement and Understanding,” between Universidad Federal
de Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil and Arkansas State University,
allowing a research collaboration opportunity between the faculties at
both institutions.
Much of the participants’ research was funded by the Arkansas EPSCoR
Center for Plant-Powered Production (EPSCoR P3 Center) at ASU. The
EPSCoR P3 Center is a research partnership between ASU, the University
of Arkansas, Fayetteville, and the University of Arkansas, Little Rock.
Principle investigators are ASU’s Dr. Carole Cramer, executive director,
ABI; UA Fayetteville’s Dr. Ken Korth; and UALR’s Dr. Steve Grace. The
EPSCoR P3 Center offers cross-disciplinary opportunities to engage with
cutting-edge advances in plant-based bioproduction technology. The
EPSCoR P3 Center has ongoing openings for graduate students,
postdoctoral students, visiting scientists and faculty, and as well as
welcoming research and product development collaborations. The EPSCoR P3
Center focuses on enhancing research infrastructure and
cross-disciplinary, multi-institutional collaboration, linking research
competitiveness with outreach and entrepreneurship to ensure
knowledge-based economic development.
For more information on the EPSCoR P3 Center at ASU, contact Dr. Carole
Cramer, director, EPSCoR P3 Center, Emily Devereux, program coordinator,
at (870) 680-4344, or e-mail For more information on ABI, contact Dr.
Carole Cramer, executive director, (870) 972-2025, e-mail, or visit For more information on Arkansas EPSCoR, visit
Arkansas Science and Technology Authority (ASTA) at