The Faculty & Staff Newsletter of Arkansas State University
December 10, 1999
Vol. 100, No. 16-- Online: -- e-mail:

New Associate VP for Academic Affairs: Dr. V. Rick McDaniel, professor of zoology and associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, has been appointed associate vice president for academic affairs, effective Jan. 1. Dr. McDaniel came to ASU as an instructor in zoology in 1972 and has served as chair of the Department of Biological Sciences (1984-1997) and as associate dean (1997-1999).  He has worked extensively with the Arkansas Leadership Academy as a team and conference facilitator, has served five years as editor for the Proceedings of the Arkansas Academy of Science, and has obtained numerous grants that deal with conservation and biology of Arkansas mammals.  He also has written numerous papers while at ASU and he currently serves on the Arkansas Teacher Quality Enhancement Council for the state Department of Higher Education.  He succeeds Dr. Evelyn Lynch, who will become provost/vice president for academic affairs at East Stroudsburg University in Pennsylvania.

Faculty achievements:  Congratulations to these faculty and staff members who have distinguished themselves and their departments for outstanding professional achievements.

  • Student researcher Amanda Throgmartin and Dr. Mark Draganjac, Chemistry,  have had a proposal funded through the Arkansas Science Information Liaison Office (SILO) Undergraduate Research Fellowship program.   The proposal is "The Reaction of CpRu(PPh3)2+ with Potentially Chelating Heterocycles."
  • Stephen Guffey, Physical Therapy, was a co-presenter of two presentations at the Mid South Education Research Association annual conference recently in Point Clear, Ala.  One was "Qualitative Analysis of Metacognition Training Project: self Efficacy in Students Who Score Low on ACT," and the other was "Metacognition and Academic Achievement: Promise and Problem."
  • Marlin Shipman, Journalism, has been named an associate editor of the Social Science Journal. The three-year appointment begins Jan. 1.
  • Dr. Julie Morrow, Archaeology, recently presented a slide lecture on recent archeological investigations in Northeast Arkansas to the Rotary Club of Newport and a slide lecture on "The 1999 Arkansas Archeological Society Training Program at the Greenbrier Site, Desha, Arkansas" at the Old Independence Regional Museum in Batesville.
  • Dr. Susan Hanrahan, dean, Nursing and Health Professions, has been elected to the national board of directors of the Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions for a three-year term.
  • Barbara S. Doyle, Freshman Studies, presented a session on "Open Door or Highway Robbery?" at the Arkansas Association for Developmental Education's conference held recently in Hot Springs.
Conference on School Safety at ASU: President Clinton is expected to announce today in Earle that Arkansas State University will host the Delta Safe Schools Conference in March.  The conference is part of a package of Delta initiatives he will be announcing while in Arkansas.  He is accompanied on the trip by Secretary of Transportation Rodney Slater, former director of governmental relations at ASU.  A delegation from ASU plans to attend the announcement.

Looking ahead for Campus: Periodically we re-evaluate this newsletter and how well it serves its purpose of communicating information to the faculty and staff of ASU.  The current emphasis is on faculty and staff professional achievements, along with a listing of the week's upcoming events and some general announcements.  When it was originated in the late 1970s, Campus was duplicated by mimeograph; now we don't have as much "breaking news" because e-mail has become the preferred medium for quick campus announcements.  However, more people than ever may access the newsletter now, given its place on the Web. As we prepare to start a new year, this would be a good time for you to share your thoughts on how Campus can better serve ASU.  Campus is one of the responsibilities of the University Communications Office staff: Tom Moore, Vic Nelson and Straley Snipes.  Drop us a line at

  • This week:
  • See the Calendar for a more complete listing of upcoming university events. 
    This calendar lists events scheduled through Jan. 8, since Campus is not published during the holiday break.  The next edition will be published Jan. 7. 
    December 16
    • Staff Senate Meeting, 9 a.m., Reng Center Alumni Lounge.
    • Indian Book & Supply Christmas Open House for ASU, 2106 E. Johnson, 7-9 p.m.
    December 17
    • Board of Trustees meeting, 3 p.m., Library Board Room.
    • Fall Commencement ceremony, 7 p.m., Convocation Center.  Guest speaker will be Dr. Larry Ball, professor of history.
    December 24
    • University offices closed for the holidays.  Also, Dec. 27-31 and Jan. 3.
    December 31
    • City of Jonesboro Official New Year's Eve 2000 Celebration, 7:30 p.m. -12:30 a.m., Convocation Center.  For details, call KFIN, 932-1079.
    January 4
    • University offices re-open.  Classes will resume on Tuesday, Jan. 11.
    January 6
    • Early Childhood Education Part II workshop sponsored by ASU Childhood Services, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.  For details, call 972-3055. 
    • Women's Basketball: ASU vs. Western Kentucky, Convocation Center, 7:05 p.m.
    January 7
    • Faculty Senate will NOT meet, as earlier indicated here...
    January 8
    • Women's Basketball: ASU vs. Arkansas-Little Rock, Convocation Center, 7:05 p.m.
    • ASU Museum:  Museum is open 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., M-F, 1-4 p.m., Sat. & Sun., admission free.

    • "Historic Prints from the A. G. Edwards & Sons Corporate Art Collection," through Dec. 12.
      "The Advent of Agriculture," in conjunction with Archaeology Week, through Jan 16.
      "The Great King Crowley Hoax," based upon a 1920 ruse on artifacts of an extinct culture, through Jan. 30.
    • Printmakers Gallery:  9 a.m. - 4 p.m., M-F, admission is free.

    • "Brave New World."  This exhibition moves us into a new century and makes predictions about the next 100 years.  Exhibit through Jan. 14.
    • Fine Arts Center Art Gallery: 10 a.m.-4 p.m., M-F, admission is free.

    • "Shea Hembrey--Art Thesis Exhibition,"  Dec. 13-17.

    Campus News, the faculty-staff newsletter, is published weekly by the Office of University Communications.  Information may be e-mailed to, faxed to 972-3069, or delivered to Administration Building, Room 101.  Previous editions may be accessed through the archive.