The Faculty & Staff Newsletter of Arkansas State University
September 3, 1999
Vol. 100, No. 3 -- Online: -- e-mail:

Order of the Tribe: The third annual Order of the Tribe, a presentation celebrating the spirit, traditions and history of ASU, will be Tuesday, Sept. 7, in the Convocation Center beginning at 8 p.m.  ASU students and other guests may enjoy snacks and refreshments beginning at 7 p.m. outside the Convocation Center. Order of the Tribe features a video, the pep band, speakers, and prizes. All ASU alumni also are invited to a reception in the Hames Room at 7:30 p.m.  At the conclusion, the alumni will be invited to participate in a ceremonial procession. Admission is free and open to the public.  The Office of the President and the Division of Student Affairs sponsor the event.

Faculty Achievements:
In addition to Department of Chemistry faculty whose items appeared in last week's Campus, the following six faculty members and several undergraduate and graduate students made presentations at the recent national meeting of the American Chemical Society in New Orleans.  Those and other recent faculty achievements were:

  • Dr. Mike Panigot presented "Studies Toward the Synthesis of C-Glycoside Dendrimers: The Synthesis of a 1-C-Ethynyl Glucoside and Investigation of its Pd-Catalyzed Coupling to Polyhaloarenes."
  • Dr. Mark Draganjac presented "Synthesis and Structural Characterization of a Ruthenium Bisthietane Complex."
  • Dr. Scott Reeve and Dr. Mark Draganjac co-authored and presented "Infrared Laser Spectroscopy of Jet-Cooled Organometallic Compounds." 
  • Dr. William Burns' work is titled "Analyzing Cigarette Smoke Using Infrared Spectroscopy."
  • Dr. Jon Russ and undergraduate research assistant, Richard Rickman, presented their research findings on the "Validity of Radiocarbon Ages of Biogenic Oxalate."
  • Dr. Dan Marburger, Economics, published a chapter in the book, Sports Economics: Current Research, published by Praeger Publishers.  Marburger's chapter is "Baseball's New Collective Bargaining Agreement: How Will it Affect the National Pastime?"
  • Dr. Robert Engelken, Engineering, presented "Engineering Research at Predominately Undergraduate Institutions: Strategies and Pitfalls for the New Engineering Educator" at the recent annual conference of the American Society for Engineering Education in Charlotte, N.C.  Engelken's paper of the same title was published in the conference proceedings.
  • Staff Achievements:
    • Congratulations to Pat Glascock, Student Counseling and Psychological Services Center, who earned her Ed.D. in educational leadership from ASU in August. 
    • Danny Faulk, director of Housekeeping, recently attained the highest designation of the International Executive Housekeepers Association (IEHA) when he earned the title of registered executive housekeeper (REH). 
    • Pam Davis, Human Resources, has been appointed vice president of the board of directors for Abilities Unlimited of Jonesboro.  This non-profit organization provides services for persons with severe disabilities.
    • Congratulations to Capt. Mike Archer, University Police, who recently was named Employee of the Month in the Division of Student Affairs.  Archer, who has been in law enforcement for 14 years, is involved in the community policing efforts on campus. 
    ASU Family News:  The University community extends sympathy to the family of Kathie Dalton, associate professor of nursing, who died Sunday in Piggott.  Funeral services were Tuesday, August 31. Ms. Dalton joined the College of Nursing and Health Professions faculty in 1989.  She had been on sick leave since the 1998-99 academic year.  The University community also extends sympathy to the family of Arthur Krida, emeritus professor of English, who died recently in Texas.

    Equine Center ready to open: ASU and the College of Agriculture are ready to open phase one of the Equine Center.  This phase includes a 125 foot by 225 foot arena and a stall barn.  The arena is covered and lighted and will be used for equitation classes and clinics.  The stall barn will contain 54 stalls, four wash racks, an office, a classroom, and eight tack rooms. Later this month, part of the stall barn will be available for students, faculty and staff to board horses. Basic board will be available for $175 per month; additional services will be optional.  For details or an application, contact Bonnie Storm in Agriculture, 972-2087, or email

    Paid Phonathon jobs available:  The Office of Development Services is accepting applications for Phonathon callers.  Those selected will be calling alumni who have not contributed in the past.   Those selected will have a positive attitude and lots of self-motivation.  Employees will work Monday through Thursday evenings in the Faculty Lounge, adjacent to Café Einstein.  The job, which pays $5.15 per hour, will begin either on Sept. 13 or Sept. 20.  Those interested should contact Elaine Poynter at 972-3940 or see her at Administration, Room 103.
    This week:
    • See the Calendar for a more in-depth listing of upcoming university events.
    September 5
    •  Volleyball: ASU vs. New Mexico, 2 p.m., Convocation Center.
    September 6
    • Labor Day holiday.   University offices will be closed.
    September 7
    • Order of the Tribe, 8 p.m., Convocation Center, free.  For details, call Student Activities 972-2055.
    September 8
    September 10
    • Comedy Act: Gallagher, 8 p.m., Convocation Center.  Call ASU ticket office 972-2781.
    September 11
    • Concert:  Veteran rocker Sammy Hagar, special guest "Great White," 8 p.m., Convocation Center.  Call ASU ticket office 972-2781.
    • ASU Museum:  Museum is open 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., M-F, 1-4 p.m., Sat. & Sun., admission free.
    • "Historic Prints from the A. G. Edwards & Sons Corporate Art Collection,"   Sept. 12-Dec. 12.     Reception  in conjunction with exhibit, 1-3 p.m., Sept. 12.
    • Printmakers Gallery: Fine Arts Center Gallery, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., M-F, admission is free.
    • "Flora: Good and Evil."  Expressive plant life is combined imaginatively to express human emotions, exhibition through Sept. 24.


    Campus News, the faculty-staff newsletter, is published weekly by the Office of University Communications.  Contributions may be e-mailed to, faxed to ext. 3069, or delivered to Administration 101.  Previous editions may be accessed through the archive.