The Faculty & Staff Newsletter of Arkansas State University
August 27, 1999
Vol. 100, No. 2 -- Online: -- e-mail:

New Faculty:   In addition to those listed in last week's edition, we welcome  these new full-time faculty members:
  • Ms. Amy Charles, instructor in mathematics, College of Arts & Sciences
  • Dr. Paul Doughty,  instructor in geology, College of Arts & Sciences
  • Ms. Dabney Dykes, instructor in journalism, College of Communications
  • Mr. David Eubanks, assistant professor, College of Nursing and Health Professions
  • Ms. Marla Graves, instructor in physical education, College of Education
  • Dr. Esra Kasraie, professor of decision sciences, College of Business
  • Ms. Carleen Marburger, instructor in management information system, College of Business
  • Ms. Angela Scott, assistant professor, College of Nursing and Health Professions
  • Dr. Mohammad Talukdar, assistant professor  of Accounting,, College of Business
  • Mr. Stewart Wallace,  instructor in mathematics, College of Arts & Sciences
  • Ms. Barbra Wike, assistant professor, College of Nursing and Health Professions
  • Ms. Madeline Williams, reference librarian, Dean B. Ellis Library
  • Ms. Paige Wimberley, assistant professor, College of Nursing and Health Professions
Faculty and staff achievementsCampus News recognizes faculty and staff members who have distinguished themselves and their departments for outstanding professional achievements.  Submit achievement news to asunews@omaha.
  • Gary Emmert, Chemistry, recently had a paper accepted for publication in Talanta: The International Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry.  Emmert's paper is titled "Selectivity Enhancement in the Amaranth Method for Chorine Dioxide.  Emmert also, along with two students, an undergraduate and a graduate student, presented two research papers at a recent ACS national meeting recently in New Orleans.
  • Dr. Gil Fowler, Journalism, spent two weeks in Kuwait recently to study how broadcast news is delivered in Kuwait, Saudia Arabia and Egypt. 
  • Dr. Kim Hester, Management, co-authored an article published in the June issue of Journal of Social Psychology.  The article, "An Extension of the Family Socialization Model of Union Attitudes," is an empirical study of how parents' behaviors and attitudes influence the development of children's attitudes about the usefulness of labor unions.
  • Sue Marlay,  International Student Services, recently served as chair and presenter for the workshop "Basic Immigration Regulations Governing International Students" at NAFSA: Association of International Educators national conference in Denver.
  • Dr. Paul Mixon, Electrical Engineering, published an article on evolution of AC power frequency in the latest issue of Electrical World.
  • Dr. Richard S. Segall and Dr. John Seydel, Economics and Decisions Sciences, published an article in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis held recently in Orlando.  The article is "Supply Chain Management via Electronic Commerce."
  • Virginia Sullivan, Journalism, was selected by the Latvian Naturalization Program to direct its Information Center in Riga, Latvia, for the next year.  The program's purpose is to promote citizenship through education in Latvian history and language.
  • Dr. Tina G. Teague, Agriculture, presented information on boll weevil eradication research during the recent University Of Arkansas Northeast Research and Education Center annual Field Study Day at Keiser.  The presentation included highlights from a three-year study underway at the Judd Hill Plantation near Trumann.
  • Dr. Tyra N. Turner, Psychology and Counseling, co-authored "A Holistic Approach to Multi-cultural Rehabilitation Counseling," published in the summer issue of the Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling.  Another work Turner co-authored, "Long Distance Education/Interactive Television: Practical Challenges," was recently published in the Journal of Rehabilitation Administration.
  • Congratulations to Neal Vickers, Career Services, who recently earned his doctorate of education in educational leadership from ASU.  His dissertation topic involved determining if the services offered by career centers actually help graduates gain employment.  His study included 15 universities across the nation that were similar to ASU.  The results of his study?  Career services centers indeed are fulfilling their purposes.
  • Dr. Dennis White, chair, Speech Communication & Theater Arts, presented a paper at the Conference on Argumentation held recently in Alta, Utah.  The conference is co-sponsored by the National Communication Association and the American Forensic Association. White spoke on the psychological relationship of argument and audience response.

United Way Day of Caring  It is Arkansas State University's goal for more employees to participate in United Way's "Day of Caring," set for Sept. 17, and to bring home top recognition for ASU's participation in this worthwhile event.  ASU team members will work the morning shift.  All faculty and staff who possibly can are urged to participate this year.  We will meet at St. Bernards Auditorium for the kickoff breakfast before going to our assigned areas.  After the morning's work, we'll meet at St. Bernards Auditorium for lunch. ASU volunteers will receive an ASU tee-shirt, along with the free breakfast and lunch!  Please  volunteer today by contacting Paula Miles, University Advancement, 972-3940, or e-mail her at for details and to sign up.  She will need to know your shirt size, and will notify you regarding your assigned area of service.  The deadline for joining the ASU team is Friday, Sept. 3.  Don't miss this opportunity to help ASU shine in this very rewarding philanthropic labor of love for our community!

This week:
  • See the Calendar for a more in-depth listing of upcoming university events.
September 3
  • Last day to sign up for the ASU team, United Way "Day of Caring," call University Advancement 972-3940 or email <pmiles@omaha>.
  • Volleyball: ASU vs. Belmont, 2 p.m.; ASU vs. Baylor, 8 p.m.,  Convocation Center.
  • Faculty Senate Meeting, 3 p.m., Dean B. Ellis Library boardroom.
September 4
  • Volleyball: ASU vs. Jackson State, noon; ASU vs. NE Louisiana, 8 p.m., Convocation Center.
  • ASU Museum:  Museum is open 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., M-F, 1-4 p.m., Sat. & Sun., admission free.
  • "Arkansas Discovers Hemingway," restoration preview of the house where Hemingway visited and the barn studio where portions of A Farewell to Arms were written, through Aug. 30.
  • Printmakers Gallery: Fine Arts Center Gallery, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., M-F, admission is free.
  • "Flora: Good and Evil."  Expressive plant life are combined to express human emotions, through Sept. 24.

  • Fine Arts Center Gallery, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., M-F.  "Faculty Exhibition," artwork by Roger Carlisle, Tom Chaffee, Nadine Hawke, John Keech, Evan Lindquist, Steve Mayes, Gayle Pendergrass, Daniel Reeves, Bill Rowe, John Salvest, Kim Vickrey and Curtis Steele, through Sept. 3.

Campus News, the faculty-staff newsletter, is published weekly by the Office of University Communications. Contributions may be e-mailed to, faxed to ext. 3069, or delivered to Administration 101. Previous editions may be accessed through the archive.