The Faculty & Staff Newsletter of Arkansas State University
August 20, 1999
Vol. 100, No. 1 -- Online: -- e-mail:

Welcome everyone!  We extend a hearty "welcome back" to everyone at Arkansas State University, and greetings to those who are new to ASU and Jonesboro. Best wishes to everyone as ASU begins its 90th academic year.

New Faculty: Welcome to these new full-time faculty members:

  • Dr. John Beineke, dean, College of Education
  • Dr. Steven Blumenshine, assistant professor of aquatic biology, College of Arts & Sciences
  • Dr. David Boyd, associate professor of accounting, College of Business
  • Ms. Carole Campbell, assistant professor of elementary education, College of Education
  • Dr. Matthew Comeau, assistant professor of physical education, College of Education
  • Dr. Timothy Crist, assistant professor of music, College of Fine Arts
  • Mr. Michael Dobbs, assistant professor of management, College of Business
  • Mr. Barry Emberlin, executive director of International Programs & Services, University College
  • Dr. Nadine Hawke, assistant professor of art education, College of Fine Arts
  • Dr. Gretchen Hill, assistant professor of sociology, College of Arts & Sciences
  • Dr. Noma Krasney, director of student counseling and psychological services
  • Dr. Lisa Ochs, assistant  professor in counseling, College of Education
  • Dr. Lina Owens, assistant professor of elementary education, College of Education
  • Dr. Daniel Reeves, dean, College of Fine Arts
  • Dr. Phil Riner, chair, Dept. of Elementary Education & Special Education, College of Education
  • Mr. Danny Sessums, director of Museum
  • Dr. Kurt Stahura, assistant professor of physical education, College of Education
  • Ms. Kimberly Vickrey, assistant professor of graphic design, College of Fine Arts
  • Ms. Diana Williams, assistant professor of elementary education, College of Education
Faculty and staff achievementsCampus News recognizes faculty and staff members who have distinguished themselves and their departments for outstanding professional achievements.  Submit achievement news to asunews@omaha.
  • Dr. Bruce Johnson, Physics, Dr. Robert Engelken, Engineering, and their undergraduate research assistants published a paper in the June issue of the journal, Semiconductor Science and Technology.  The paper is "Optimization of Photoconductivity in Vacuum-Evaporated Tin Sulfide Thin Films."
  • Dr. Cyndy Hendershot, English, recently presented a paper at the International Popular Culture Conference in Cambridge, England.  Her work examines horror films of the 1950s and is a comparison of American and British vampire films of that time period.
  • Dr. Robert Lamm, English, recently presented a research paper on working with the national conference for teacher researchers.  The 1999 National Writing Project was held in Traverse City, Mich. Lamm also presented a workshop this summer on writing curriculum during the Southern Georgia Writing Project in Valdosta, Ga.
  • Dr. Tina Quinn, Accounting, co-authored an article on worker classification for tax purposes, published in the latest edition of Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly.
  • Bonnie Thrasher, Journalism, was one of 23 journalism educators to work at daily newspaper this summer through the American Society of Newspaper Editors Institute for Journalism Excellence.  Thrasher's assignment was with the Chicago Tribune.
  • Congratulations to Irene Martz, Academic Affairs, and to Tom Moore, University Communications, who have been nominated as the 1999 Arkansas State Employee Association's Outstanding State Employee.  They will represent ASU at a ceremony in Hot Springs.  The nominations were based on job experience, accomplishments, personal qualities, service to the community, integrity and other qualities.
Department Changes:  Name changes have taken effect in two areas:  Institutional Advancement is now University Advancement, where Steve Owens is vice president.  Management Systems is now Institutional Research & Planning and Dr. Kathryn Jones is still the director.  Arkansas Delta Byways, with Dr. Ruth Hawkins as executive director, is a new department located in the Delta Studies Center, Library, 7th floor.  The telephone number is 910-8080.

Campus News on the Web For the second year, Campus News will be distributed on campus through the Web.  Most faculty and staff have access to the Web, but there are some who do not.  We would suggest that someone in each department print a hard copy and post to a bulletin board or make a few photocopies as needed.

Internet Provider: Fast Data has again been selected as ASU's preferred Internet provider.  The company offers unlimited Internet access, e-mail, 5 Mb web page space, and tech support with local dial-up in Jonesboro and Newport.  Special ASU rates are $15/mo, $75/6 mo, and $125/year.  For details, call 972-6000  (2425 E. Matthews) or in Newport call 523-2104.

ASU Family News: Congratulations to Brian and Shannon Williams on the birth of their son, Caleb Daniel, born April 30. Shannon served as receptionist in the President's Office, but decided to stay home to be with Caleb and also take a few classes to complete her degree. Brian works in ASU's Registrar's Office. Greg Creech, ASU Convocation Center, is recovering from an accident on Saturday, Aug. 7, in which he received first and second-degree burns to the right side of his body.  He plans to return to work the week of Aug. 23, although at first in a somewhat limited capacity.  We look forward to his return!
This week:
  • See the Calendar for a more in-depth listing of upcoming university events.
August 21
  • ASU's Football Fan Appreciation Day, Indian Stadium, 12:30 p.m., free hot dogs and soft drinks.   Scrimmage game at 1 p.m.   In addition, the Touchdown Club will provide free watermelon.
  • Monday
    August 23
    • Faculty-Staff Water Aerobics, MWF, 12 noon to 12:50 p.m.,  HPER Complex.  Call 972-3066.

    • Employee Wellness  Exercise Program, 12:10-12:45 p.m., MWF, HPER Complex.  Call 972-3591.
    August 25
    • Deadline to register for the "1999 Race for the Cure" breast cancer benefit,  5K women's walk/run or 2K family walk/run, co-sponsored by ASU.  Call  972-3112 or St. Bernard's Healthline, 931-5055. 
    • ASU Museum:  Museum is open 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., M-F, 1-4 p.m., Sat. & Sun., admission free.
    • "Through a Child's Eyes: Over the Years," a collection from annual exhibits, through Aug. 29.
    • "Arkansas Discovers Hemingway," restoration preview of the house where Hemingway visited and the barn studio where portions of A Farewell to Arms were written, through Aug. 30.
    • Printmakers Gallery: Fine Arts Center Gallery, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., M-F, admission is free.
    • "Brave New Work," exhibition requiring artists to try something new and challenging, Aug. 27.

    • Fine Arts Center Gallery, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., M-F.  "Faculty Exhibition," artwork by Roger Carlisle, Tom Chaffee, Nadine Hawke, John Keech, Evan Lindquist, Steve Mayes, Gayle Pendergrass, Daniel Reeves, Bill Rowe, John Salvest, Kim Vickrey and Curtis Steele, through Sept. 3.

    Campus News, the faculty-staff newsletter, is published weekly by the Office of University Communications. Contributions may be e-mailed to, faxed to ext. 3069, or delivered to Administration 101. Previous editions may be accessed through the archive.